
There are Chinese in most cities of the UK why is it you seldom here of cases of racial discrimination?

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I can't recall any cases of compliants of racial disrimination by Chinese people.




  1. They do not bring a religion that contradicts our own. Chinese society is secularist and Buddhism is hardly confrontational, it it? It expressly forbids it. This is key. It's naive to say that the way our laws, customs, societal infrastructure, and way of life is not influenced by the Christian religion and the same is true of immigrants. They are the best integrators, plain and simple.

    Pakistanis tend to cause more trouble than Indians, yet they are essentially the same people. The difference is that one comes from a predominantly Muslim country, the other, Hindu.

    Concerning Afro-Carribean people - there is cult of the victim that is perpetuated within their community for things that have never affected them, like slavery. As long as the media keeps giving coverage to c**p like the BNP, they'll always be a belief that it's on the horizon.

  2. Because they are self sufficient, friendly, hardworking and not here for a free ride like most of the other b***st**d immigrants.

  3. my dad always said the chinese are the friendliest people you can meet

  4. They make really good food. Why bite the hand that feeds you?

  5. Simple.   They're greatful for the opportunities this country has afforded them.

    The others?  Well what an utter shower of s**t theyre all turning out to be.  If they arent scamming the system, they are demanding it be changed for their religion.

    Its all about respect.  The chinese have it, and so it is given in return.

    When was the last time you felt respect towards asians or africans?  You cant respect someone who is taking you and your country for a fool...

  6. Because they are generally friendly, and serve you decent chinese meals, they have been here longer, and are tolerable.

    On the other hand, muslims seem very arrogant and pushy to me, and now seem to think they own the place.

  7. There are many Chinese people that live in our town, they intergrate into our society. They have their own customs but never try to push them onto others or try to convert anyone.

    I have always found them to be very peaceful.

    On the other hand we also have a few sheiks locally, they are also very peaceful and respected in the community.

  8. we like chinese food

  9. The Chinese, Buddhists,Sikhs, Hindus and many other people except ONE,  get on with their lives and don't try to live off whichever country they happen to reside in.

    Most  racial abuse, special case wherein the whinger gets some more money, most terror threats, terror acts, most grief, most problems, most hatred and least ammount of taxes paid..... comes from the same group.. everywhere in the world!

  10. Chinese people in the UK have developed their own communities here since the 12th century.  Indeed, Liverpool's Chinatown is the oldest in Europe.

    The former Commission For Racial Equality, (Now The Equalities And Human Rights Commission), recorded far less cases regarding Chinese people than Asian, African or Caribbean people...but still had a significant number of cases related to access to help from institutions such as the police, social services and housing departments.

    Direct discrimination against Chinese people tends to be limited to treating them all as if they work in take-aways and delivering stupid comments in stupid accents.

  11. Because they don't have delusions of persecution like certain other races.

  12. Monty Python - The Chinese Song Lyrics

    The world today is absolutely cracked.

    With nuclear bombs to blow us all sky high.

    There's fools and idiots sitting on the trigger.

    It's depressing, and it's senseless, and that's why...


    I like chinese,

    I like chinese,

    They only come up to you knees,

    Yet they're always friendly and they're ready to to please.

    I like chinese,

    I like chinese,

    There's nine hundred million of them in the world today,

    You'd better learn to like them, that's what I say.

    I like chinese,

    I like chinese,

    They come from a long way overseas,

    But they're cute, and they're cuddly, and they're ready to please.

    I like chinese food,

    The waiters never are rude,

    Think the many things they've done to impress,

    There's maoism, taoism, eging and chess.

    I like chinese,

    I like chinese,

    I like their tiny little trees,

    Their zen, their ping-pong, their ying and yang-eze.

    I like chinese thought,

    The wisdom that Confusious taught,

    If Darwin is anything to shout about,

    The chinese will survive us all without any doubt.

    So, I like chinese,

    I like chinese,

    They only come up to you knees,

    Yet they're wise, and they're witty, and they're ready to please

    Wo ai Zhong-guo ren

  13. I think because they have learned our language, joined and contributed to the community, obeyed our laws. They came here legally have become citizens.

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