
There are flying ants in my back yard, how do you get rid of them;?

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I tried household bug sprays and baking powder and nothing gets rid of them.




  1. their not ants------- they are female termites

  2. Baking powder is for baking.

    Chances are you've had a rain recently, or the humidity is veeeery high.  This is what causes ants to swarm.

    You can do two things...

    1. Wait for the queens to die off, get eaten by predators or find places to make nests.

    2. Hire a professional to spray the walls outside your home, around windows and doors, around the perimeter of your home and all of the ant nests he can find nearby.

    Both work, but doing #1 will just make bigger problems later.

    The ants won't just "go away".  If they did, professionals like me would be out of work.  Ants will do what ants do: make more ants.

    Ants do not shed their wings the second they land... termites do.

    To tell the difference, compare these things:

    1. Ants have elbowed antennae. Termites have beaded antennae.

    2. Ants have three very distinct body segments. Termites look like they only have two.

    3. Ants have four wings, two are longer while two are shorter. Termites have four wings, but they're all the same length.

    Termites swarm several times a year, but usually just once from each colony.

    Ants... well... ants do exactly the same thing.

    You'll see most of the swarming after a good, heavy rain. However, that's not the only time you'll see them swarm.

    And for Kim G -- Cinnamon/sugar will not kill ants. Ants do not eat solid food. Ants can not eat cinnamon. It does not work.

    Included on this page is a link to my reference source, besides my books, so you know I didn't make it up.

  3. They are not "Flying Ants".  You will see flying ants just ONE DAY A YEAR and that is when they leave the colony to procreate somewhere else. When it leaves it colony it flies or is blown on the wind to the furthest distance. when it lands, it will drop its wings after about 20 seconds and it can no longer fly. It then has to find a new home. So maybe the guys are right, their baybe termites, but I am not familiar with them

  4. Use a mix of cinnamon and sugar and sprinkle it here and there. The ants will come and pick up the sugar, along with the cinnamon, and take it back to their queen. Ants can’t digest cinnamon and once the queen dies from not being able to digest the cinnamon the colony will die without her.

  5. Flying ants are not that common unless you disturb a mound. You may have termites...they look like ants with's a little late in the year for those...because the flying ones are the ones that mate ( usually March or April ) and start the colonies.

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