
There are lots of reports of the unexplained. What has happened to you that has been hard to explain?

by  |  earlier

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because it was so weird and strange.




  1. well there is this thing called lying... its pretty wierd and strange. hard to explain too. very very unexplainable.

  2. I was at a red light.  It changed to green.  A little voice told me not to go, so I didn't.  And a speeding car ran his red light, he would have killed me easily.  Still the little voice said Don't Go, so I didn't, and another car ran its red light.  I could have died twice in like 5 seconds.

  3. Meeting people who believe the unbelievable.They go to psychics.They see ghosts and demons.All the while completely oblivious to the real wonders of the universe.

  4. My eagerness to answer this.

  5. 4 me i don't know

  6. my husband died about 5 years ago. We went on a ghost hunt of a prison that we worked until it closed.  To make a long story short, apparently my husband showed up but I didnt see him but about 15 people in one group did.  The odd thing was the staff members followed him down a landing and into a office that his mother had worked in for 25 years and the staff members stated for some reason they knew he was my husband.  Our flashlights went out and he was described to a T what he was dressed in, height,glasses ect.  We saw a mean spirit while there and in fact one member of our group was poked in the back forcefully.

  7. There were times when i seriously thought that i will end up in trouble but something actually happens to help me through.

    Then there are times when i kinda know what's happening or that i've been to a certain place before but i know that i haven't.

  8. The national elections in 2000 and 2004 were definitely wierd and strange.

  9. a huge air craft ,but i mean huge,moving in a random pattern

    and in a vertical position,and how it disappeared,considering

    it's size,it was something incredible

  10. solid wood nightstand beating repeatedly against the wall- 2 of us standing there watching it happen. Real scary.

  11. I see ghosts & know some things before they happen....I knew my hubby would marry me the instant I saw him

  12. Many things have happened. I've seen our sisters Ghost,We've seen a flying sauser, I've known things that where going to happen before they did,I've known when earthquakes where going to happen, and did. It's really weird knowing and seeing those things.I've known things that where going to happen I wish,I wished ,I wished I never would have known. It's no fun and I try real hard to ignore those feelings.But that's the way things go,Right?

  13. The most unexplainable thing that happens and no one has a clue as to why and not enough research can be collected to even come up with an educated theory is where does the wind come from and where does it go. There are a few good theories I admit but none of them can be proved or simulated.

  14. Deja vous. Haven't I met your avatar before? What some people call remote viewing. I remember meeting some of these guys when I was around 11 years old. One of the people I had met was around 3 feet tall black with no hair and seemed to be missing his front teeth.He had big eyes like a baby seal.The closest I can explain him is the Star child drawing. c**p they changed it. Anyway he or it was black. I guess all of the abductions,surgeries,visits and visions etc. Nothing much. It all could have been special effects of some kind,like Hollywood.

  15. i cant explain

  16. yeah i just can't explain that i'm cute and funny.

  17. When someone close to me is about to die, I see blinking lights around me, for about 2 weeks to the time of death. The closer they are to me , the more intense they are...I used to freak but I dont any more..I also see casket trucks, hearsts, and believe it or not If all these happen then I hear Elton John sing "Funeral for a friend" on the radio! Its random but I am not going to lie..its real !

  18. my brother visited me after he died.

  19. well, when My 3 freinds and I were sitting in my car one night, and the blinding white light shone down in a perfect 20 foot circle around my car for about 5 seconds. And as there were no nieghbors, or any sounds, like a plane or helicopter, or any trees nearby. It was a little hard to explain, still is, 30 years later.

    I read later that there were a lot of ufo sightings in that area during those years.

  20. Two things. #1. One night while in a woods I saw a very bright light come down into a clearing. Seven smaller lights came in and surrounded the bright light. All of the lights began to blink at different intervals. After about 90 seconds the small lights all took off in different directions. The bright light went straight up and disappeared. #2. !n 1982 I tore my spleen. Due to blood lose ER lost me. After telling my wife and son that i had died my heart started beating my spleen stopped bleeding and the tear on my spleen suddenly healed. Also while I was "dead" I remember ever thing the people in ER said and did.

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