
There are many co-incidences that are unexplained. ....?

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but the ones about Abe Lincoln and J.F.Kennedy are unbelievable!

Do you think there is more than co-incidence here, as they are factual,

but uncanny! Read on and see.....

Abe Lincoln was elected into Congress 1846

J.F.Kennedy was elected into Congress 1946..

Abe was elected president in 1860

J.F.K. was elected pres. in 1960...

Both were concerned with civil rights...

both of their wives lost a child

while living in the white house...

Both pres. were shot on a Friday....

Both were shot in the head.........

Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy..

Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln....

Both were assassinated by southerners...

both were succeeded by southerners named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson who succeeded Lincoln was born 1808..

Lydon B.Johnson who succeeded Kennedy was born 1908..

John Wilkes Booth who assas. Lincoln was born 1839...

Lee Harvey Oswald who assas. Kennedy was born 1939..

Both assas. were known by 3 names...

both names consisted of 15 letters.....

Lincoln was shot at a theater named Ford,

Kennedy was shot in a 'Lincoln' made by Ford.

Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assas. ran

and hid in a warehouse,

Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and

his assas. ran and hid in a theater...

Booth and Oswald were both assassinated before their trials..

A week b4 Lincoln was shot he was in Monroe, Maryland....

A week b4 Kennedy was shot he was with Marilyn Monroe!

*pretty crazy....huh? Have you had some or know of

any co-incidences that are too crazy to be for real??




  1. Yes the ability to treat each one with an explanation that I am good with and believe me, making sense and right for me is a coincidence Let us say that Once Twin Dog had the opportunity too see his twin that they both became one.   Now I am good with that even that most won't see clearly enough too be able too let both entities reside in the same body, but that's got nothing with chance it's just a coincidence

  2. What an incredible story  One i will share with others in the future

    Your question was of other story's

    Here are a few i found interesting   I hope you enjoy them also



    History is full of amazing and sometimes bizarre coincidences that give us pause and keep us scratching our heads in wonder. Here is just a small sampling

    Finnish twin brothers, aged 71, were killed in identical bicycle accidents along the same road two hours apart, police said. "This is simply a historic coincidence. Although the road is a busy one, accidents don't occur every day," police officer Marja-Leena Huhtala told Reuters. "It made my hair stand on end when I heard the two were brothers, and identical twins at that. It came to mind that perhaps someone from upstairs had a say in this," she said

    Identical twins. Identical accidents. Identical deaths. Two hours apart. This astonishing coincidence was reported in newspapers and on newswires around the world in early March, 2002. The odds of it occurring seem remote in the extreme, and it causes one to wonder, as the woman did above - even for a moment - if there's more at play here than mere coincidence. Is it the hand of fate? Is it true, as author Elizabeth Kubler-Ross wrote, that "there are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from."


    Other Coincidental Deaths

    This is a similar story of coincidence, not of twins but of two brothers. In 1975, while riding a moped in Bermuda, a man was accidentally struck and killed by a taxi. One year later, this man's bother was killed in the very same way. In fact, he was riding the very same moped. And to stretch the odds even further, he was struck by the very same taxi driven by the same driver - and even carrying the very same passenger!

    Twin Boys, Twin Lives

    The stories of identical twins' nearly identical lives are often astonishing, but perhaps none more so than those of identical twins born in Ohio. The twin boys were separated at birth, being adopted by different families. Unknown to each other, both families named the boys James. And here the coincidences just begin. Both James grew up not even knowing of the other, yet both sought law-enforcement training, both had abilities in mechanical drawing and carpentry, and each had married women named Linda. They both had sons whom one named James Alan and the other named James Allan. The twin brothers also divorced their wives and married other women - both named Betty. And they both owned dogs which they named Toy. Forty years after their childhood separation, the two men were reunited to share their amazingly similar lives. (Reader's Digest, January

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