
There are many immigrants in UK now¿?

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i want to live in a country that there aren't many immigrants, because i don't want to be a hindrance

i'm argentine, some country with few immigration?




  1. When i went to England i thought i was in the middle was crazy..

  2. The U.K. is full,   Standing room only.

    Try the Falklands

  3. The ONLY country you can be in and not BE an immigrant is Argentina!

  4. LMAO...................... We have toooooooooo Many !!!

  5. We just cannot take any more!

  6. learn the language of the area you want to go to, try and practise the accent and no one will know where your from

  7. dont come here then mate ..were full to bursting

  8. Errmmmm excuse me "A" ...

    I'm Romanian and live in the UK !!

    I pay loads of taxes, never use the NHS and pay for everything I have and everything I do.  I even paid my way through my accountancy degree.  Now I am paying for my sister to study.

    People have a go at East Europeans but we just want to come here ..... do whatever jobs you can spare us ....... then go home again !!!   The majority of us work very hard and cause no troubles ever !!!  But still we get a hard time.

    Think of this too.  In my country we have many, many UK people there buying land and houses wholesale because it is so cheap !!  Our people cannot compete they dont have the cash !!  We take nothing from the UK except the cash we earn ourselves so why can British people come and grab our land from us ?

    Just too bad I guess huh ?

    That will teach us for being f'cked over by the communists for so long and not having wealth like the UK.

    There's always 2 sides to the story !

    Personally I love the UK and the British people, they have done so much for me, my sister and my family I am always thankful for this !!

  9. WHY whats wrong with Argentina.....

  10. Yes,and they're mostly muslims.And the way the UK has adopted this P.C.  B.S.(much like yahoo answers, I might add),and is letting them run over them and bowing down at every "muslim outrage" the UK will be run by sharia law soon.

    And just so you know.As long as a person follows the country's immigration laws and assimilates him or herself into the culture and society,obeys the law,and gets a job and contributes to society instead of becoming a parasite.That's called being an asset.Not a hindrance.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.

  11. Hay imigrantes en todos los paises, ?Cual es el problema?

    Todos son seres humanos...

  12. The UK is rubbish. We all know that. I wouldn't regret to leave the UK, where it's more like a land belongs to Indians / Middle Easterners / Arabics or Eastern Europeans. Why would I want my future children to grow up in a country with weird culture like? You'll be better off in your own country - Argentina if you don't want to face with difficulties.

  13. Sorry; thanks to the liberals i don't think such a thing exists, lol.

  14. About 15 million of the Cyclops.

  15. Dont come to England, Im not being rude but its full of all waifs and no-goods from lands we have nothing in common with, you'd be better off going to Canada or New Zealand where theres ample room..but then you become an immigrant yourself, but judging bu your post you seem to want to intergrate so that shouldnt be a problem.

  16. england has more immigrants than actual british citizens, or at least it feel like it.  i think it's sweeet you dont want to be a hindrance!  you could try australia, it's a massive place compared to the uk.

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