
There are microwave masers being discharged from aircraft all over this country?

by  |  earlier

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These masers can kill every living thing apart from leaving areas contaminated with poisons. The government know it is happening but wont admit or do anything about it. If anyone like myself protests they say you are crazy.Find out what I am talking about on the (mind control in the UK ) page.




  1. I actually heard about this years ago... but wth do we do about it... we are powerless to Big Brother.

  2. Even the microwave transmissions from communication aerials [which can kill at close range] are not powerful enough to do damage at distance.

    I would suggest this is another area 51 idea.

    Microwaves that kill at close range , don't leave any poison or any residue, any more than you get any residue in your house when you have turned off the lights.

    After all microwave is only light of a different frequency.

    Don't worry ,it wont happen..

  3. Would these (fingerquotes) Masers be coming from Dr Evil?


  4. The government must regulate the use of the aircraft in order to address the problems that results from masers.

  5. Can't be.

    The very first people affected by microwaves that strong will be people with pacemakers, like myself. Surely you have walked into a store or restaurant and seen a sign that says "WARNING! Microwaves in use!" -- that's why. Pacemakers are allergic to high concentrations of microwaves.

    So as long as those with pacemakers don't suddenly all fall over, you're ok. We're your warning signal.... so I figure you owe me a nice dinner, just to say "Thank You!"

  6. there are lots of sources of microwaves in the world these days

    such sources include radio & TV, Radar, mobile phones, telecoms amongst others

    There is no doubt that close proximity to substantial emitters of microwave energy is harmful... but where on earth do you get your information from?

    There are to my knowledge no microwave emitters strong enough in the air (with the possible exception of some Military  planes such as AWACS, and may be some of the fighter aircraft. The strongest sources of microwave radiation on land are going to be the very few military radars, possibly Air Traffic Control systems, and Naval Vessels alongside or close to land and TV transmitters.

    To kill everything in an area would require massive amounts of power, probably beyond the capability of current airborne technology (in terms of power output, capacity to generate a strong enough signal.. even if you could transmit a strong enough signal I doubt very much it would lay waste to vast (or even any) swathes of the country leaving poisons behind.. what poisons?

    Take the medicine, calm down and get in touch with the real world..... its actually quite nice in the real world (if you have the capacity to get in touch with reality and make an effort to join in with human society

    I'm not surprised that papers hang up on you.. you come across here as someone with an agenda, seeing things that others don't  and getting upset when they don't see the world the same way you do.

    Crop circles have a close correlation with the amount of beer drunk in some pubs of a summer evening and summer micro storms.

  7. ah ha, thats why my plants die continually, i just thought i was a terrible gardener.

  8. Have you talked to your GP about this?  (S)he can help you deal with this as GP's know about things like this.  Remember that GP's know an awful lot about how things in the environment can harm your health.

    Seriously, talk to your GP about this.

  9. It's happening now?

    Where? Mind you, I went to Grimethorpe recently, and parts of that look serioulsy maser-ed!

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