
There are more murdered or more saved life due to the sale of firearms?

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In U.S.A. you can buy a pistol at the supermarket, beacause "you have to defense yourself"... But if you kill anyone whit that pistol?




  1. I don't think they sell pistols in supermarkets.

  2. you have the right to defend yourself and to have firearms or guns at home, this is in the constitution... but murders are outlaw, of course, altough you don't murder a person who's trying to kill or hurt you, by accident.

  3. Well it is estimated firearms are used defensively 2 to 2.5 million times a year in the United States

    They are about 30,000 firearm related deaths a year in the United States

    This means firearms are 80 times more likely to save a life than to take a life. Criminals don't legally purchase pistols at the supermarket because they can easily obtain them on the streets or steal them.

    I don't think there should be any waiting periods. I already own several handguns yet I still have to do a 7 day waiting period to buy another one? What the heck is the point of that?

    Background checks are done instantly by computer. You are either a prohibited person or you aren’t a prohibited person. The waiting period does not make the background check any more thorough.

  4. You need to learn more about the U.S.

        Most states have a 7 day waiting period to buy a gun ... This is so a background check can be done on the buyer ....

    The problem is that criminals get a hold of guns ILLEGALLY .

    When a criminal sells a gun to some one no waiting period is required just cash.

      And NO , you can't get a gun at the supermarket.


         Great picture ...Mr. Billy**** ... a picture is indeed with a thousand words ... but all I can give you is a thumbs up!

  5. ..anyway, I don't think that 7 days are enough to find out if someone is ok to buy guns or others things like that..

    Finally I think that if you buy a gun, one day you will use it..or not ?

    Have a nice day , dear son..;-)

  6. miki me sa che pure in giro per il mondo il livello medio degli answerini è spaventoso.

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