
There are more people dying from smoking than murders, which is more of a important issue?

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  1. I think that would be smokers because smokers are killing themselves,and if your murdered you would have no choice. My mother smokes and it kills me to breathe in that nasty smell! Listen,have you ever smoked before its nasty and gross and gives you a  headache! Your only smoking it cause you have an addiction! Gosh stupid smokers!!

  2. They are both important issues.  What would you do?  Stop hiring police officers to arrest murderers so that we could fund anti-smoking programs?  I can't quantify the importance of either problem.

  3. Murder.

    Because victims have no say in the matter.

    Smokers know what they are getting in to and choose to ignore it.

    [not hating on the smokers, I'm smoking a cigarette as we speak... or, erm, type]

  4. Smoking is not a definitive cause of death on a death certificate. The real killer is heart disease. It is proven to be linked with smoking, but people also get it without taking a single puff. Murder is more of an important issue.

  5. Probably murder as it is universally illegal after all - why do you think?

    No one has ever broken the law just for smoking.

    Underage smoking maybe but no kid has gone to jail for it - yet!

  6. "smoking " is big business, so there are too many with lined pockets protecting it.

    murder has no industry.

  7. Murder has always been illegal. People are trying to make an "issue" of smoking, but it is something a person does to himself, unlike murder. They are totally unrelated things, and neither of them are issues.

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