
There are more women than men who support Obama. Why is it?

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There are more women than men who support Obama. Why is it?




  1. In American politics, women tend to favor the Democratic Party. This is not because they're illogical or somesuch c**p like that which you may have heard from the likes of Ann Coulter. Rather, it's because the Democrats will, once in a blue moon, get the spine to pass laws that help women.

  2. Why in gods name are some women still supporting Obama?? He support killing a baby that survives an abortion.


  3. Obama brings a distinct feminine style to politics that resonates with many women. I live down the street from Punahou, the high school in Hawaii that Obama attended. I can tell you where he gets that "feminine style." It's the Hawaiian culture he was raised in for most of his young life.

    Here in Hawaii, we have something called "Aloha." It means "hello" and "goodbye," but it really means something closer to "We are connected by love and so we are never separate." The Hawaiians conceived of themselves as part of a web of life that was fundamentally made of love. They saw themselves as connected, even across great distance and throughout time.

    This sense of love and connectedness permeates the Hawaiian culture and exists even to this day. Obama says that this spirit of Aloha, the notion that "we have obligations to each other, that we are connected and interdependent" is what he carries with him from Oahu, the place of his birth. It is the spirit of Aloha that forms his most core beliefs.

    This appeals to women because it recognizes what women are already aware of. We are connected. We are interdependent. We must work together in order to thrive. Conciliation, connectedness, community, family, these are feminine values and ways of being that arise from the understanding of motherhood. Even women who are not mothers can still identify with these values. Little girls are able to maintain their connection to their mother and to continue identifying with her values and ways of being while little boys are not.

    Little boys are separated from their mothers and taught to cut off their inner femininity in order to be a "real man." Boys are taught the values of competition and self interest and told that these values are superior to sharing, connectedness, community, and interdependence, which are portrayed by macho culture as "weak" values. This is why more men than women support war, competition, self-interest, and winner-take-all economic systems. Men become "real men" by denying and belittling their connectedness, and interdependence with all things.

    These are some of the many cultural, archetypal, psychological and ethical reasons women are more likely to support Obama. Women suffer most acutely under macho systems which deny and denigrate connectedness because women cannot easily escape that connectedness and actually experience greater joy by embracing that sense of connection than by rejecting it and living as men, isolated, suspicious, on guard, as if the world were full of only enemies rather than family.

  4. Well for one, he loves to bash father's, especially black fathers.

    Hardly a press interview goes by where he's not giving father's the grief for not being there for their kids.

    Seriously, you wonder why women like him over men? Has he ever uttered a word of criticism against women?

    I think not.....

  5. If you support obama based on his campaign you are eithier g*y or bi.

  6. Because Obama hates fathers and they like the sound of that.

  7. Because Obama has a healthcare plan, does not make crude and sexist jokes towards women, not anti-woman, supports a woman's right to abortion, etc.  

  8. that is very easy!

    Because the OTHER CHOICE IS McCAIN!

  9. It's because women have masculine spirits which are attracted to Obama's homosexuality.

  10. women support obama because he looks like one of them.

  11. Well, if that is true, I guess it proves once and for all that men are smarter than women!

  12. Because John McCain has a very pro-life record, which makes a lot of women wary.

  13. I think they can relate to his indecisiveness , lack of planning and wasteful spending.

    Plus I've heard some girls say "Ooooh ! he's cute."

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