
There are nest that are like tubes . When i hit them wasps come out but dead spiders too what is this?

by  |  earlier

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the nests are made of dirt about 2-4 inches long im just confused of what is happening




  1. They are likely mud dauber wasps, that is how they build their nests.  Spiders are a popular food of many wasps.  Everything is in balance.  If you wait until after dark you have less a chance of getting stung.  Just knock the nest down and they will build one elsewhere,  You do not need to kill the wasps.

  2. they are mud daubers, they make tube like nests out of dirt and mud.  The spiders are a popular food source, I wouldn't kill them because they can help keep dangerous spiders out of your home.

  3. there are two sorts of wasps, they have the same looking nest but one breed stings repeatedly, I had to get rid of a few to close to the children so get some fly spray and spray them but make sure you are covered up just incase one gets to you first. they sting like crazy but arnt poisonous unless you get stung by heaps, and they are not good for kids at all.  The spiders will most probably be dead they are the wasps food

  4. The wasps are probably eating the spiders. Either that or the spiders tried to eat the wasps in their own home and the wasps killed them.

    That is scary though.

  5. definitely mud dauber wasps. they favor spiders and tarantulas as their main prey. they build a nest in the ground (somewhat like the sydney funnel web spider) and wait for prey to come. as the prey climbs over/around the hole, the wasp sting and paralyzes it from the sensitive underside. it may or may not eat the bug, if it does not, it will lay an egg inside it and when it hatches it will eat the now UN-paralyzed bug from the inside out. i wouldnt go near it for a while, because obviously, youve aggrivated the wasps. eventually it will die and your problem will be gone. otherwise if you are a bug hating psychomaniac that screams, jumps on top of a table, and calls the exterminiator at the sight of an can get heavy duty bug killing spray, or you can soak the ground around it with lighter fluid and torch it. hope this helped!

  6. Those are the nests of mud daubers. Leave them alone or they will sting you.

    The spiders are food for their young.  

  7. It's a wasps' nest.  Stop hitting it.  The spiders may be food.

  8. ewwwwwwwwwwww , run 4 ur life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Mud wasps, the spiders a paraluzed, food for the young lava when they develop fully.

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