
There are no desent guys at my school but i feel like i want to like someone, what should i do

by  |  earlier

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to explain more, about the i feel like i want to like someone:;_ylt=ApcAJ1OPFmzQcFCqEmRbxOjsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080807002508AAlPQLG




  1. i don't really understand your question, but 8th grade isn't to young to have a bf if that's what you're talking about i've been having boyfriends since kindergarten! i only wanted this guys crayons though. he had a 64 pack!!!!!

  2. This is the way the world works......when you try to make things happen they either dont or the end up sucking anyways because you forced it. It's better to let things happen naturally, making it a surprise and that much sweeter. Great things come along when you least expect it. Perhaps you'll meet a boy somewhere you would have never guessed, just go with the flow do your school thing hang out with your friends and let fate do the rest. :)

  3. Trust me, you are too young. I'm going into college and I have yet to find a decent guy. I'd rather be single than get my heart stomped on any day of the week.

  4. I have an idea why don't you learn to spell before thinking about "liking someone" you have plenty of time for that. Go and play with barbie dolls.

  5. When you are looking you will not find anyone but when you aren't that is when you find someone.

    And yea you are too young.

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