
There are pimples on my sushi!!!?

by  |  earlier

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  1. These 'pimples' are tobiko, or flying fish roe (immature eggs).  They are used in this fashion to add texture rather than the salty tang found in tobiko nigiri.  Yum!  Now I'm REALLY glad I got sushi for supper tonight!

  2. First I guess I'll start by saying, I love food. lol. Not that I really eat unhealthy or anything,in fact not at all. But I do love food. I'll try just about anything with an open mind. I suppose it may have been my upbringing. As a child my parents always took us to resteraunts, and business meetings and such (they never believe in baby sitters, and they always commented on how they wanted to teach us everything they could, and give us what they couldn't have growing up). While i resented it growing up (I never understood why i had to be dragged along) I now have a very well developed palate and an open mind.  I enjoy trying anything at least once. In my opinion, this being said about myself,  I think its very childish of this person to act the way that she did.  but I suppose it just depends on what your used to, and how open minded you are. This is an interesting topic. Nice choice for a blog.

  3. i love your story. i never even thought of a fish's v****a when i ate sushi. even though you're right about all that popping thing, i won't give up all that caviar. too much i love it. *yummy*

  4. Those orange dots are the fish's eggs.  Looks pretty good, but I've never had that.  You should try the california rolls or the spicy tuna rolls.

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