
There are side holes in my rugby ball. are there supposed to be and what do i do about it. how would i pump it

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There are side holes in my rugby ball. are there supposed to be and what do i do about it. how would i pump it




  1. If you are talking about the holes on each end where the seams come together, they are designed to be there.  When it's totally flat, just pump the ball up a little faster and they will seal themselves.  My "Gilbert Match" balls are all like that.

    Don't know why, but they all have the holes.

  2. You're clearly too stoned to be thinking about playing rugby today.

    Just put the ball back and maybe think about it again tomorrow

  3. Dont quite get what you mean mate

  4. I don't understand - do you mean punctures? Or holes for pumping the ball up? There should be a hole somewhere on the side of the ball to insert a needle to pump it. You can use a bike pump with the right fitting - l**k the needle and insert it into the hole and then just pump until it feels about right. If they are punctures I would suggest chucking the ball and getting a new one.

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