
There are so many different cultures, lifestyles and social groups in this world. Was it always like this?

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Whenever you study history at school, you always learn about those couple social groups and cultures that evolve every couple years or so into new or more advanced social groups and cultures. This changes whenever history nears modern times, as more are introduced. I am wondering if life was as diverse and different back then as it is now. This thought just entered into my mind a little while ago and has kept me interested ever since.




  1. Since the beginning of mankind there have been different societies each with subsets layered within. Check with your local anthropological society if your really interested. My youngest son became interested in this type of thing when he was just a little boy. He now is an anthropologist and loves the history of people, you may well too. It's not a rich life in money but it is in enjoyment and challenges.

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