
There are some Muslims who expose .....................?

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There are some Muslims who expose the face of the dead after Salatul Janazah, and just before the burial. Is this practice a custom or a religious duty?




  1. It's not that it's compulsory or that it's a bid3a (innovation). You are allowed to do it. I believe there is a Hadith, I cannot recall now, that Muhammad (pbuh) kissed the forehead of Uthman Ibn Maz'un before he was buried. Similarly, when the Prophet died, AbuBakr leaned over him and kissed him between his eyes. A lot of people do that, uncover the face to kiss the forehead, just out of love and respect. As long as their not exposing the face to have a peek at who it is or something irrelevant like that.

    Okay, here's the Hadith:

    "He uncovered his face, bent down, kissed him, wept, and said: ‘I would give my father for you, O Prophet of God; God would never give you two deaths, and you have died of the death that God had ordained for you.’ Abu Salmah says: Ibn Abbas told me that Abu Bakr came out, and Umar was talking to the people. He told him to sit down, but he refused. He told him again, and he still refused. Abu Bakr then recited the Kalima, and the people turned their attention to him, leaving Umar." (Bukhari, Kitab al-Jana’iz)

  2. Yes i Have seen almost everyone do that IN Pakistan !

    Im not sure if its cultural or religious !

  3. They are following the Quran

  4. Christians do it too.

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