
There are too many speed cameras in there a device that will warn me if ever i go past 40 mph?

by  |  earlier

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There are too many speed cameras in there a device that will warn me if ever i go past 40 mph?




  1. Not that I am aware of. Your just gonna have to pay attention to your speed. That's all the advice your going to get here.

  2. It's called a speedometer.

    Many radar detectors will detect the cameras to "warn you" to check your speed.

  3. no not unless it says the speed limit so i wouldnt worry about it

  4. They make several types, try this link and you will get an idea and good luck..........

  5. Yes your car will have a speedometer, it will show your approximate speed at all times, keep an eye on it.

  6. well, i don't think there is a device that can do that, unless you make it...but there is a product. Its a can  of a spray and you spray it over your license plate so when the camera takes the picture, they can't bill you. Its an ad in car magazines that i've seen and they say its legal, but im not sure if it is or not.

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