
There are two birds nests on my patio. One is a robins nest, I cant identify the other. All the eggs hatched.

by  |  earlier

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The robin is still there, feeding her babies ( they hatched in early june) the other bird is gone. I wonder how long the mom stays around. Every time someone walks out, she flies away. I think she's stressed.




  1. omg!! That is weird.I don't even know what to say.

  2. They couldn't have hatched in early June.  Robins only remain in the nest for 2 weeks after hatching.  Once fully feathered, they will leave the nest (fledge).  The fledglings will be on the ground for a few days, before they become fully flighted.  The parents will continue to feed and care for the babies.

    The parents only go to the nest to feed the nestlings.  At this point the nest is a little cramped, and the birds should have enough feathers to keep themselves warm.  

    You should not feed the young, and avoid the nest if possible.   If you want to help feed the parents, turn a sprinkler on in your yard to draw worms to the surface.

    Best of luck to you.  Happy bird watching!

  3. well the bird prob. flies away because she's scared. Put some bread and seeds down there for the mommas so they won't feel stressed about leaving their babies far. But dont touch the babies because the mommas may not want to feed them anymore

  4. Just keep watch to make sure she keeps coming back.  Bread has no nutritional value so please do not leave that.  Leaving some crumbled dry dog food is a healthier choice as it provides needed protein for growing babies.  The babies should soon be flying and leaving the nest, mom will be teaching them to find food.  How old are the other babies, do you know what they look like?

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