
There are two homes on fire in a street, in one house is your family, the other is your new neighbors.?

by  |  earlier

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Which house do you save and WHY ?

The inhabitants in the house you dont save will die.




  1. I don't give  up that easily

    I save them both

  2. I'd rather save my family since I know them alot more and I would  hate if any of them died. Secondly, you better save your family instead of going on Yahoo! Answers and asking us who to save.

  3. Neither!

    No, my family, of course.

  4. Are the new neighbors hot lesbians?  Hot filthy lesbians with a rabid sexual curiosity, and a fetish for recent widowers, perhaps?

    That's really the only way I see this question being at all not stupid.

    No offense.

    Unless you happen to be a pair of hot dirty lesbians with rabid sexual curiosities.

    In that case, I need spanking.

    I need spanking bad.

  5. Presenting a question like yours is so far fetched and most likely it would never happen, unless we're dealing with a  nutcake Arson.      Come back to earth and try again.  

  6. My family, for obvious reasons.  

  7. That is the stupidest Q I have ever read. Duh, who do you love more?. Your family I hope.

  8. I'll save my family.  

    1st instinct is to protect them.  I don't know my neighbors and by acting on instinct I'd save my own above anyone else.

  9. the closest one gets your help asap

  10. Don't worry Chuck Norris will save the day  

  11. too many variables to consider to give a definitive answer

    #1) are there kids in the "new neighbor house"

    #2) is it a one-story or a two-story (it does matter)

    #3) are there elderly people in the "new neighbor house"

    #4) is the house next door on fire because it's a crystal meth lab?

    #5) what time of day is it - is everyone sleeping?

    #6) is it possible people in either house could get out by themselves?

    #7) how did the fire start?

  12. Well, duh, who wouldn't pick their family if these were the only choices?

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