
There are worst things in life than a broken heart. Agree?

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If so, what else...




  1. Yes,

    loss of trust

  2. Yes like being broke or being Obama

  3. The pain of love lost, a heart broken, a soul torn has inspired the greatest poetry and philosophy since time began.

    Some become hardened and callous, others close the window of their heart and minds desire to further encounters with love.

    Some hold the searing, deep and eternally bleeding heart as a comfort, deriving intense pleasure from the profusely bleeding and welling of tears.

    If ones love were deep and true, the pain of being shattered and broken by he who dispensed love and was life thereby has a curious pleasure principle. The art of suffering and bleeding well.. Be Happy : )

  4. Agree!  

    A broken back is so much worse than a mere broken heart.  Think about it!!!

  5. Yeah,

    There are worst things in life than a broken heart, but those things may actually involve the symptoms of a broken heart.  Here is a list i can think of at present.

    Madness - Total loss of decision making, you neither want happiness or are even sad, because they do not matter any more.

    Loss of hope - See some of those people living off the street? Apart from addiction, how do you think some end there? laziness?  possibility, but above all, some give up the reasons to look for a better quality of life.  Once you loose hope, then most things will not matter.

    Depression - this can involve a broken heart, but serious depression is somewhat of an endless tunnel, taken to the extreme you may end up on medication.

    Hatred - Quite common this one, not that you mourn for your loss, but instead you have hatred for your fellow man.  Maybe because what people have done to you in the past.  Perhaps you can predict that it will happen again.  Forget about a broken now have no heart at all.

    Death - A broken heart can be mended, but in death although there is no more pain, there can most likely be no more happiness, especially if it was one of suicide.

  6. Yes, I do agree. To feel alone staying in a crowd of known and unknown people...

  7. the worst things in life are the things that break our hearts, aren't they??

  8. worse than a broken heart is no heart at all.

  9. Yes, I do...

    Being homeless

    Being broke

    Being hungry

    Losing a loved one through a voilent crime

    Being victim to a violent crime

    Having a disease or cancer

    Your father, mother, or children having a disease or cancer

    Having low self-esteem or a low self-image

    ..............How's the list so far?

    Many things are much worse than a broken heart, even though it may not feel that way.

    I love Garcia's answer... He's right.

  10. Yes,  I do agree.  Having a loved one die with cancer or some serious illness--and having to watch or live with them suffering.    Having some close family member in a very severe auto accident--or even seeing a very severe auto accident.  Having your house burn down and losing all of your possessions in the fire--or perhaps family.  Yes,  at the time a broken heart hurts but there are worse things.

  11. Yeah. Like watching people suffer each day and knowing that you have no power to stop it. Or living in a place where its every man for himself and you have no one to turn to. Or wishing that you could be who you want to be but fearing the reactions of those who want a different life for you. Or waking up every morning and knowing that you have to face the same problems over and over again.

  12. it depends on what makes you happy on my own point of view.

    hmm wat else may be.. heart or love is the same as loving your family, friends, and of course your lover. so that really for me is the worst thing in life.

    but if some people may disagree with this. i believe they experienced a different kind of thing. mainly because of the wealth. "money" may be a great factor for this. therefore money may also be the worst thing in life.

    "power" too may also be one of those worst things people consider.

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