
There has been a US school yard shooting massacre for a while. Why?

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Firstly I am glad there has not been one for a while, There seemed to be a spate of them for a while, but not now.

So what has changed in your opinion? Tighter gun laws? Metal detectors in schools? What do you think?




  1. School wasn't in session.

  2. The novelty value wore off and sense prevailed.

  3. There was a school shooting last week, a student was shot on the first day of school in Tennesseee.

  4. School out for summer?

    It could very well be that THEY the Schools and Other Students are more aware of what contributes to the shooters profile and that they are actively engaged in prevention and support of individuals before they do something horribly drastic! Most shooters are created in the environment and can also be affected in positive ways if their health and state of mind is recognized before they lose control. These individuals are usually victimized multiple times before they reach that state of mind.

    The availability of guns plays a big roll in these attacks it is perhaps good that tanks, flame throwers and bazookas are not readily available. However take away the guns and more knives will show up. Education and awareness will prevent more then weapon controls. Weapons are not really needed in most educational situations, so controlling the access would also deter the escalation of such situations.

    One final note; NO MORE GLORIFICATION: The more notable the attack the more attention the individual receives for crime and the more attention to the conditions that they suffered to cause this behaviour. Break the cycle get them the positive attention they require before they feel it is useless causing this to happen in the first place. Failing that reduce the Media`s Hipper Coverage that makes this crime so appealing to these individuals!

  5. Ultimately when you look at it tighter gun laws and metal detectors will not stop someone who feels they are destined to be a 'school shooter'. If, for example, an individual were to become a shooter, could they simply not shoot the individual manning the metal dectector before continuing their ramapage within the school?

    I personally believe it is the heightened awareness of these schoolyard massacres that is the key weapon in preventing these occurrences. With new research by the CIA it is now easier to pinpoint those who may be somewhat more subject to becoming a shooter with profiling of previous shooters.

    And whilst this is not guaranteed to stop every schoolyard shooter, early intervention may help the majority, for if they are given support when they most need it the chances of them becoming a shooter are drastically reduced.

    And ultimately, prevention is better than a cure...Right?

  6. Eh. I think that they are somewhat random events, and, like all random events, they tend to clump a little. The fact that there have been, like, 5, in the last decade in a nation of 300 million people? A sample that small is bound to fluxuate randomly. Don't put too much weight on it.

  7. No. It's Friday. They don't like Monday's, remember Sir Geldoff?

  8. Summer vacation

    long holiday in the US

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