
There has been a lot in the news about someone allegedly finding a body of Bigfoot. What do you think?

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Here is a link to the Yahoo new Article:

http://news. s/ap/20080815/ ap_on_re_ us/bigfoot_ found_1

Here are a piece from the New York Times:

http://www.nytimes. com/2008/ 08/15/us/ 15bigfoot. html


http://www.msnbc. 26220505/


http://wbztv. com/watercooler/ bigfoot.remains. found.2.796128. html

Here is a couple of "You Tube" pieces: com/watch? v=Y8YKIV840Nghttp:// com/watch? v=T4IYw7K- wBM&feature=related

With an X-Files theme com/watch? v=k9CtOL4vTxs&feature=related




  1. Can you say bogus?

  2. It is real. I've downloaded earlier pictures and massaged them pretty good.

    It is real.

  3. Turned out to be a Rubber Gorilla suit.

  4. Of course it's a hoax without question.

  5. I think it looks like a costume stuffed with animal remains, to be honest.

  6. 1.) Tom Biscardi, the guy who organized the press conference and has been going on TV, is a known Bigfoot hoaxer.

    2.) The story of how the two men found the Bigfoot has changed three times, beginning with someone shooting it and ending with the claim that they just happened to stumble upon it.

    3.) The entrails are hanging out. The carcass appears to have not decayed or been scavenged by any other animals.

    4.) The face from the picture has been identified by the company that manufactures that particular Bigfoot costume.

    5.) There was lots of hype about the "evidence" that was to be presented. There was nothing presented.

    6.) The body is magically not available for public and scientific scrutiny. Where is the DNA evidence that was promised? Why promise definitive DNA evidence in the first place since there would be no other DNA on file with which to identify the creature?

    7.)The promise to go back to that general area and capture a live Bigfoot. You know, because it's just that simple... right? I literally LOL'd when I heard Biscardi say this on TV. He's trying to ride the wave of publicity as long as possible.

    Ah! There are so many more reasons...

    I bet that all the men involved are hoping to get believers riled up enough to donate money on their website. Both of the original two that "found" the body are currently out of work and probably could use the extra cash. They're likely to shoot some sort of Bigfoot hunting video (which will in turn be sold, of course) and possibly stage a Bigfoot autopsy, a la the Fox alien autopsy ( ).

    These guys promised to turn the scientific world on its collective head today. But as was expected, they turned out to be the butt of their own joke.

  7. Everyone should have known it was a hoax.  If you want to find Bigfoot you have to look in Wisconsin.

  8. Not surprisingly, it turned out to be a hoax.  This article sums it up:

  9. Actually what they saw was Barack Obama sleeping in the woods after a rough night of debate. Michelle is very unforgiving and does not take bad news well.

  10. They were supposed to reveal everything at a press conference today, but revealed nothing, they just repeated what was already released and said they would reveal everything later on.  These cheap theatrics call their credibility into question.  They are only looking for media hype, or they would come forward with everything they have.  The owner of a costume company says it's their costume.

  11. Well, although I haven't actually been able to access my cryptozoology news site of choice (, little snippits I've seen indicate to me that some experts are buying into this due to some enhanced versions of the photographs...however, I must admit that my first impression of the photo was that is was fake. But I must also confess that the face seems similar to the face of the creature shown in the Patterson video, and although it looks like a mask, I've seen compelling evidence for the validity of that video (see the book/TV program Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science) in that regard perhaps this is the real thing, Now with that said, from what I've heard the press conference today was basically just BS, nothing new or significant, and the fact that is was found by people who sell tours to go look for bigfoot, and that they called out "The real bigfoot hunter" Tom Biscardi seems very...questionable. So what do I think...well I think there's a valid possibility that it IS a real body, but I think that the way in which this entire process has been handled and amount of information they've released makes that possibility doubtable, but, so long as they allow some biologists or zoologists to examine the body, I'll be content, but for now...I remain 99% certain bigfoot exists, but at least 50.0000000000000000000000001% certain we don't have a body yet.

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