
There have been a few questions about pairings so here is one more for opinions please?

by Guest45360  |  earlier

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How will a hopefully injury free Marco Melandri compare with Casey Stoner? For what it's worth I think Stoner will edge it but not by much.




  1. On the current machine`s , Casey is another world above Marco.

    I do like Marco, but his complaining about the Honda is strting to run a bit thin. Lets face it, he cant complain about his tyres!

  2. Yeh I agree. I think Stoner is on such a high confidence kick at the moment that he will out perform practically anyone in the same garage as him..........even dare I say it!? The Doctor himself!

    Of course, anything could happen to make him lose that confidence, and make him revert back to the bad old days in 125 & 250 when he used to crash out so often. But at the moment he's rock solid.

    When I watch him win I always feel a little smug when I think back that I was telling people in 2003-2005 that " if this kid can keep it rubber side down he's going all the way to the top"

  3. I really like Marco and I think he's a good rider, but having said that, he's never really been a consistant rider. He can stand on top of the podium when the stars are aligned just right, but otherwise? Although, he just might find something with the Ducati squad that's been missing from the other teams he's ridden for. If he does, then the Ducati team looks to be even stronger next season!

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