
There have been at least four violent attacks against local g*y men in the past two weeks. What can they do?

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How can men who are g*y, or percieved to be g*y do to be safe? What are some general guidelines that everyone should follow to avoid being the victim of a violent act?

Should someone have to "butch it up" to feel safe walking alone downtown?

Is being g*y something that can be taken off like a costume when you are afraid, or is it an integral part of personality?




  1. 1. Run

    2. Get Hormone replacement therapy

    3. Go in crowds

  2. Talk to your local police about getting some more patrols in the area the attacks are happening.

    Talk to the local council or city administration about improving lighting in the area.

    Contact local media and make a fuss, ask journalists and reporters to follow up with politicians about how your tax dollars re being spent.

    Contact venue owners and talk to them about improved lighting and security.

    Organise groups to leave and go to venues at the same time, so there are a lot of people on the streets at one time.

    The WORST thing you can do is follow the advice of police and others to 'stay indoors' and 'keep quiet about it' ~ as women know to our cost, that plays straight into the hands of the thugs, bullies and rapists.

    These criminals love dark, quiet places where there dirty deeds will not be seen and they can exercise their pathetic power over others. Don't give up your space to them ~ once you do, it is so much more difficult and dangerous..

    Take back the streets!

    Best wishes and good luck :-)

  3. slap them with your purse, that'll teach them.

  4. Like any persecuted group in society, self defense is important

  5. They need to stop being so d**n flamboyant.

  6. Do what women have been told to do for self protection. Don't walk alone, especially in unfamiliar areas. Always stay alert and look alert. (This includes not wearing headphones.) Be aware of your surroundings.

    The most important thing is not to walk alone, its crazy for anyone ,whether or not they're homosexual, to walk by themselves in a city at night.

  7. Everyone should learn self-defense. It's an essential skill. And keep in mind that there are g*y men who look completely masculine; your appearance is no guarantee of safety.

  8. I find this very sad indeed. Men should be able to walk the streets just like everyone else, regardless of their orientation. I find no shame in being who I am, and find it sad that people prey on others who don't share their sexist and ignorant opinions of how people should be.

  9. I was beaten up and left for dead in the street by 5 male g*y bashers.

    I didn't ,and still ,don't know how to defend myself against odds like that. Once I was on the ground and repeatedly kicked in the head, face and ribs, there is little to be done as far as fighting back is concerned.

    Walking in numbers and with a defense spray is all I know what to do. Whistles don't work, because 5 others were present and just watched.

  10. mace,tazer,gun,groups.

           That said with the legalization of g*y marriage in a few states and the fact the g*y community wants to sue Church's who refuse to marry them (so they lose there tax exempt status) .. I have no sympathy.

         The g*y community is trying to force itself and it's opinion on others.

    Granted physical violence is deplorable, but they shouldn't expect people to greet them with open arms.

  11. been there on the receivng end a couple of times... the police patrolling wont do jackl s**t. an untrained person with a weapon is twice as likley to have their own weapon turned against them than they are to scare someone off.

    and the answerer above me is right, people do gang up. it is a losing fight, people do get killed and walking out the door is dangerous.

    the way you are perceived can have alot to do with why they choose you, but honestly having to or even trying to change that is c**p. these idiots and cowards out there doing the attacking are used to ganging up on people. they are used to picking on people who dont fight back. so learn to surprise them. we dont need to be a target because they think we're weak.

    succumbing to change out of fear is terrorism winning. fight it. learn to fight it.

    we need t stand up for ourselves, not with guns, knives or spray, but with demanding the same respect as everyone else. they attack us and beat us and we break and they win...

    but we can learn to fight, we can surround ourselves with people, we can be confident and walk with our heads high, and we can fight for our right to live in freedom and without fear.

  12. If you live in a state that allows you to carry a gun for self defense like I do, you really have an a case like you mention...

    Do these bullies seek weak individuals who likely cannot defend themselves against thier attack?

    Of course...They are actually nothing but cowards, which is why they choose to beat up g**s...

    I will say this, pull that c**p on me and you will have made a serious mistake...just ask the kid I shot in 1998 .... too bad for him, bringing a baseball bat to a gun sux to be him...

  13. I'm invested in a business of a friend's that pre-conditions people before physical qualifications in fields including the military, police, security and firefighting.  Through that friend (he's g*y) and his company's self-defense / assertiveness training material and Wackenhut's security training, I learned that the NUMBER one most important step people can take to avoid assault is to avoid areas that place people in vulnerable situations, such as alleys, parking garages, late night on the streets, etc.  The experts say over and over again that victims are more likely to have been unaware of their surroundings.  The next most effective measure per research and all security experts is that assertiveness training course.  Research indicates clearly that predators purposefully select their victims based on how "easy" of a target they are, how UNLIKELY they are to put up a fight.  Rapists select women who walk looking down at their feet or appear too helpful.  A common courtesy such as holding a door open for someone, if observed from afar by a predator, is one of the most common behaviors rapists report in research interviews that led them to choose that particular victim.  Also, not moving purposefully, in bee-lines, sort of unsure or lolly-gagging is another behavior predators report indicates a probable "easy" victim.  Wackenhut says it's that purposeful walk that most greatly reduces one's odds for assault.  And, yes, walk in groups.  Get tasers (I have a pretty pink one.  And I've used it.).  Wear baseball cap video cameras.  And tone down the drag queen attire.  It's the same for women.  We might have a perfectly good right to wear whatever we want to.  But, I don't want to be assaulted so I am careful about my attire when in public places.

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