
There is +2 blood showing in my urine but under microscope its showing neg w or r cell?

by  |  earlier

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my urine report showing +2 accult blood but when they sees under microscope its not showing any wbc or rbc in urine can please someone explain me hhy?




  1. If there are no blood cells, it is not blood in your urine.

  2. There are three conditions where a test strip would show up positive for "blood" in urine:

    1. hematouria (red blood cells in urine)

    2. hemoglobinuria (lysed rbc, hemoglobin in urine)

    3. myoglobinuria (lysed muscle myoglobin in urine)

    Microscopic examination neg for r or w cell only rules out the first condition. Also did you centrifuge the urine sample? Rbc concentration may simply be too low to be counted by microscope.

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