
There is 2 questions, 1 is "should i come out to my friends" and 2 isnt really a question. plz answer :)?

by  |  earlier

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since the start of the year (im in yr 12) all of my friends started calling me L*****n because my guy friend said that he reakons i am. they dont say it in a mean way, this is what they say " why dont you come out the closet" or they will try and catch me out by saying "hows ur gf" i am L*****n or bi i have no idea though but they dont know that. but they are really great about it, they tell me that they dont care if i am g*y. so it is making me think that i should come out to them. ive never thought the bunch of people i hang with would be so accepting of who i am. but the only thing that is holding me back is my ex friend. i was friends with her for 3 years, than the start of this year we had a fight she thought it was because of someone making things up about her hating me but really was because i have feelings for her so i had pushed her away. now it is awkward between us. my guy friend in the last 2 weeks has been trying to get us to be friends again, i told him to stop because it was just upseting her and i. the other day my guy friend thought it would be funny to say to my ex friend, friend that i love her, she looked at me like she was going to kill me, didnt blame her cause i felt the same towards my guy friend. then he said it to my ex friend, my heart jumped, i didnt even want to look at her cause i was scared of how she would react. but i was surprised she didnt even react to what he said, then i looked up and she was staring at me while her new friend :( told my guy friend "that how that is gross ect."




  1. Come out hon! Those who really care for you will accept you. :)

  2. well i think ur friends will accept u the way u r.... i think it would be good 2 come out to those friends of ur who are so accepting and won't judge u....

    i think the fact that u stopped talking 2 ur ex friend without telling her or giving her any sort of explanation is really mean.

    i think u should talk to her, and let her know what's going on...

    and most importantly i think u should also talk to ur guy friend and tell him to stop getting in ur life and trying 2 make u friend with ur ex friend.. cuz that's something u and her should work out on ur own...

    good luck, and i tihnk u will be fine telling them

  3. if you feel like you want to come out, go. and as for your friend, she is not a good friend at all, just forget about her, sounds like your other friends are really nice

    gud luk 2 u!

  4. Ok well first of all your are young to identify, but thats ok, thats natural too. Umm but first are you identified as L*****n or not or what about bi sexaul, if your unsure come out as bi-curious? Because if you are, just come out cuz your friends are accepting of it. As far as the exfriend, you should tell her in private, and explain everything, if she is a true friend she will understand, but if she stabs you in the back then most deff not a good person. Also consider, do you want your parents to know, cuz they might think its a phase, ect. Or you can just s***w this and not come out, you know why, because its nothing special, you are normal, your friends dont come to you and say hay im straight do they? no they dont cuz it is just assumed that they are all straight.

  5. Hi there,

                 To me this is a simple case of 'finding your own identity'. You r still VERY YOUNG, i am 34 and when I was at school I got called bent ,poof etc etc alll because of my looks (im not big headed but i'm not ugly!) and because I liked female company........what they could'nt understand was that I was trying to get 'into' the girls whilst the other 'lads' played footy etc! (*so who was the poofs eh?lol)

    I am now married to a gorgeous wife with two beutiful kids, I dont think u r a L*****n and even if you r u wouldn't know for sure untill u have properly matured! Your 'mates' just want u to 'come out' because they think it would b cool to have a L*****n friend as just now its 'fashionable'....crazy huh! Dont worry love, what u r u r .....just wait a few years untill u commit to coming out.....if u do u may not find all the attention good or on your side!



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