
There is a big roach in my bathtub, and I really want to take a bath. How do I make him leave?

by  |  earlier

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I already tried to wash him down the drain with water and he won't go.

I really hate roaches, and I don't want to squish him either, cause that's just nasty and I'd have to clean up all his guts.

Please help... I really want to take a bath.




  1. kill it thats how

  2. Yell "GET OUT"! They don't like it when your mean and they commit suicide. Just like my brother.

  3. Get out the ol' dust buster...

  4. take a plastic cup & let it walk into it and throw it really far outside.

  5. I do this with spiders so it may work for roaches to. I spray them with all sorts of cleaning products, especially ones with bleach. It may take awhile but it will evenutally die when the chemicals get it. Its probably considered creul and unsual, but I can't stand spiders and this does the trick without the nasty crunch

  6. Go get a regular house hold cleaner and spray it with it. It should die in less than 5 minutes, or weaker it, then just drain him. =]

  7. haha uhh i suggest you scoop it into a plastic cup and toss it out a window!

  8. Sorry when it comes to roaches there is no need to be humane!  Grab a shoe and squash the filthy bugger!

  9. Take a large glass and a piece of card  Slowly put the glass over the roach and slid the card under the glass rim all the way across. Hold the card in place and turn the glass over .Take him well away from the house and remove the card and throw him out .

  10. pour hot water on it XD

  11. 1. get a box or some type of container

    2. put it over him in the tub

    3. slide a peice of paper/cardboard/something under the box

    4. flip the box over

    5. put it outside or shake the box outside.

    6. take a bath in your roach-free tub!

  12. Did you try HOT water. JEEZ!

  13. Tell it to scoot over. Once you get the soap in, it'll tip on out the door. Roaches don't like soap.

  14. Muffin, get daddy to do it.

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