
There is a book about going green and the book is made out of plastic. Does anyone know the name of the book?

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It is a book about global warming or going green and the book is made of plastic or something so it can be melted down and reused over and over again. I tried google but can't find anything...Thanks




  1. It's called "Cradle to Cradle" by William Mc Donough and Michael Braungart. It's an awesome book, the pages are made of what they call synthetic paper, made from plastic resins and inorganic fillers, no wood pulp or cotton fibers, it's water proof, durable and recyclable.

    The book is about remaking the way we make things. The 2 authors have helped manufacturers create processes that reduce waste, use less water, eliminate hazardous waste, and conserve energy while still making mainstream, marketable and profitable products.

  2. That is so funny, since when did going green consist of the use of plastic.

    It sound like they don't want this book to get passed around if you are supposed to melt it down.

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