
There is a clairvoyant evening in my local village hall, shall i go?

by  |  earlier

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I know they can give a load of cods wallop, but for a fiver, to raise charity for a young girl who has cancer, its seems like a good cause.

I dont really consider going to these evenings, but i have been questioning my life a lot at the moment, and maybe a clairvoyant maybe able to shed some light onto the future i hold.




  1. It is a show put on for entertainment and fund raising for a good cause. There is no harm in going, but don't expect any enlightenment. If the "clairvoyant" is skillful at cold reading then he/she might make some apparently good predictions and readings of individuals through luck and psychological insight, but not through any paranormal power to see the future.

  2. I would go and keep an open mind. As you said it's only a fiver and it's for a cancer patient so it's money well spent. Just don't go with a view that your life is going to change if you speak to the clairvoyant.

  3. Yes, if you feel you should go and it's for a good cause, then by all means! Just remember to take what feels right in your heart and leave the rest. No clairvoyant is 100% accurate. Have fun!

  4. It's for a good cause.  You should buy two tickets for yourself just to further the fund raising efforts.

    Regarding the psychics, assume they have no magical powers until they can prove to you otherwise.  The "true believers" approach things in the opposite manner.  They assume the psychic is real to begin with, so they are much more open to the tactics used by psychics to reinforce those beliefs.

  5. if it interestes you why not? there are as many good, genuine clairvoyants out there as there are bullsh**ters though so be careful

  6. Well, of course you should go. Life is about gaining experiences so here's a good opportunity to notch up another, and for a good cause too. Enjoy yourself it'll be fun.

  7. yes go its a fun evening out and they cant tell you anything bad

  8. If you do go, don't take anything too seriously.  

    If you have been questionning your life a lot recently I would think twice because you might be a bit vulnerable at the moment!

  9. Come on, stop making excuses, go with an open mind, but not gullible.    You will find most meetings are not scary or creepy, in fact they are warm and comfortable.  You may be pleasantly surprised.     They are not fortune tellers, but you may find that you are not alone, and sometimes you may be supported through some instances.    Good luck x

  10. Go for the good cause and keep your tongue stuck firmly in your cheek.

  11. should go. You never know what you might learn. Its  $5 and for a good cause. Go out and have fun.

  12. Nothing ventured nothing gained, and if its for a very good cause then why not.

  13. yes! i wish i could've been there; i'd go!

  14. Go, if only to extract the urine.

  15. It's $5, and it goes to charity.  If nothing else, go for that.  Besides, you might find it fun, and then it's a good, cheap evening out.

  16. Actually, clairvoyance has been proved many times. The best way to practice clairvoyance would be through Remote Viewing (a protocol that has been used for decades by the Russian government and the US army). My suggestion would be to go. Why? Well, it is for a good cause and if the people are not frauds, you might learn something.

    Now, to go a bit more in depth into Remote Viewing... yes, it has been proven -scientifically- that it is possible. How does it works? They still dont know. Now if you're thinking of why no one has ever participated in the Randy-idiot show, it is because he disqualify people who has an extensive background in this area and are  known in the scientific community. If anyone is interested or have any question about Remote Viewing (often refered as "RV") or its sub-forms (Technical Remote Viewing, Controlled Remote Viewing, etc.) please visit the links below:

  17. ok for starters if the money relly does go to charity then go for it by all means, but if you also want to go because you have recently lost somebody then I will emphasis caution.

    Look at the following websites that is to do with cold reading which is what most mediums apparently use.

    I hope that this is usfull to you

  18. Well, I guess if you dont go then you'll never know!!!

    I have been to see many clairvoyants - but all on a one to one basis.

    If you go & you find them a waste of time, then at least you will have satisfied your curiosity.

    Good Luck!

  19. Sure, it should be funny - just don't expect any insight into the future, as no one has EVER been able to show they can do that.

  20. Only if you can see your way to get there

  21. Well, it's a charity for cancer, so that's a good cause. And it might be entertaining. If you were going to just to give the fraud some money, I'd say you're better off spending it on something else. Yes, clairvoyants are frauds or are self-deluded. Nobody has ever demonstrated this ability.

  22. It sounds like fun. I don't know if you could take what they say too seriously, but it might be helpful. It sounds like a great cause and it will be fun to watch! :) Good luck!

  23. If you have never seen a "clairvoyant" work, and it you can afford the $5, it's definitely worth the time.  Consider it the price of admission to an evening of entertainment.  With these types of events, you typically have a bunch of people "acting" like psychics to entertain the audience.  

    Consider it a donation to a good cause.  Don't take any clairvoyant suggestions too seriously, but you might actually meet somebody who can help you work through some of these questions you have.  Stay open minded, but realize that this is a lot like watching actors in a play.   It's entertainment.

  24. If you want real help, find a reputable clairvoyant, not someone in a village hall.  They do exist.

  25. Well why not, after all it is for a good charity course. Clairvoyants can be really interesting. What have you got to lose? This may be the answers you have been searching for and steer you in the right direction, atleast you can prep yourself for what aaits you....All the best!!!!

  26. you can still contribute to the fund raising,and have a good time,meet other people,and not necessarily have a reading

  27. I`m looking into my crystal ball and I can see you sitting in the third row.....enthralled............

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