
There is a dave s on hear with inside info that mikey is the winner ?

by  |  earlier

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what do you think to that




  1. Think it will be Darnell. Most entertaining. Mikey/Sara close second

  2. Not much!

  3. mikey is not yet the winner, wach the show tonight!

  4. He said Mikey was leading.He didn't say he was the winner.

  5. dave s is a troll and you know it

  6. quite likely

    he is disabled after all

  7. dave s has been on here every week giving us the results and has always been right,

    ah gutted i was hoping anyone but mikey - he has been in bed early every night complained about the noise. moaned about everyone and everything how doe sthat make a winner???

  8. Hope not!

  9. i think rachel should win, some of the others have given her a hard time whilst she hasn't  talked about any of them behind there backs

  10. Dave actually said it was very close between Mikey and Rachel so it is still open until lines close tonight as to who actually wins.

  11. I wouldn't be at all surprised.  But people are still voting, so it could change

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