
There is a fairly clear bubblish looking thing on this wild bird i found in my backyard..any1 know what it is?

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There is a fairly clear bubblish looking thing on this wild bird i found in my backyard..any1 know what it is?




  1. no i dont

    and a picture would be nice noob

  2. Look up a wildlife rehab place in your area..either in the yellow pages or try Googling it.  A wildlife place is experienced in this type of problem and is better equipped to handle it.  If you can afford to, take it to an avian(bird vet) vet that may also be familiar with the problem.  It could be an infection, a problem with it's crop if it's in the neck area, a broken egg trying to pass if it's in the vent area,  or any number of things.  Best to get it professionally looked at.  Hopefully it is eatting and drinking what you are giving it and maybe can be rehabilitated .  Best wishes

  3. It is sick and it may have an injury that is infected.  If you found it the chances are it is dying.  You need to be careful because there are birds infected with West Nile Virus and other diseases and it should probably be taken to a vet to determine whether it is a condition that could make you sick now that you have handled it.  Make certain to handle it only with gloves if you have already handled I hope you washed your hands thoroughly.

  4. Let the bird go or bring it to a vet/shelter.  They will be able to figure it out.  

    Don't take in wild birds.  It's a great way to get west nile.  

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