
There is a ghost in my house and i want some info about her. how do i find out this info?

by Guest65922  |  earlier

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There is a ghost in my house and i want some info about her. how do i find out this info?

i would really like to know because she is waking me up around 3 am every night...




  1. ghosts are not real

  2. If you want to find out more about your resident ghost I would suggest you use the same method you did to determine the presence and gender of said ghost.

  3. there is no such thing as ghosts

    but there is such a thing as animals and burglars.

    are you sure that whatever is waking you up is not a cat or racoon?

    are you sure that no one is snooping around your house?

    then again, this question just might be one of those questions in which you laugh at everyone's responses.

    who knows?

  4. There's a few ways to communicate with your guest.  Try making an EVP, as suggested in another post.  I've had much success with both EVP's and dowsing rods.  You can make the rods from a wire hanger.  Just cut 9 inch lengths, bend so the handle is 3 inches, the rod 6 inches.  Holding them loosely with the handles resting on your little fingers, hold the rods in front of you.  You can ask your ghost questions, using rods crossed as a "yes" and straight as a "no."  

    Have you tried researching your property?  You can go to your local county recorder's office and see who else has owned your home over the years.  From there, you can research obituaries and death notices to find out who lived there at the time of their death.

  5. next time you see her sit down have a chat find out all you need to know

  6. I dont really beleive in ghosts. But it is a fact that in many religious documents, people beleive that "3:00 A.M." is the so called (bewitching hour).  A time of strong, "and evil" spiritual power.  Some people say it is the opposite time Jesus died "@ 3:00 P.M."  who knows if its real...but creeps me out that you keep getting woken up @ 3!!!  I mean....who would even (REALLY) know the time Jesus died anyways?!. But I do beleive in God, and I know there are demons.  The devil doesnt want you to find peace, and will do whatever he can to lead you astray. I would sudgest first of all to pray on it. After that,  If you are really set on beleiving there is a ghost in your home. the first thing you would need to do is find out the history of your property. Research some public records. Stuff like that. Wish you luck, & glad it isnt me   :o)

  7. What is she doing to wake you up at 3am ? there might be a clue there...have you just moved in or have you been there some time and she has just moved in? Have you been playing with a ouijie board ?

  8. Theres no such things as ghosts

  9. I dont have any experiences like this but i do believe in the supernatural. I believe that for the ghost to be going to you there must be some reason. Has anyone in your family died or prehaps a close friend? If so then it could be because they feel close to you and what to tell you something or they want you to help them.

    If not, then it could be that this girl was killed in the house you are in and nobody knew about it. Maybe whoever killed her lived in your house and she is trying to find them.

    Im not sure what the reason is but you may not be able to find out from anyone else but her. when she comes ask her, but6 dont ask her direct, treat her like a nomal person, she may not be willing to open up yet. Ask her questions that are less sensitive. Things like what sort of things she likes, faverate animal and her name then once you know a bit more about her ask her things like were she lived, if she had any brothers or sisters and who her family was. Eventually you will find out everything you need to know about her then when you know everything about her finally ask her how you can help her.

    I know this may sound a bit weired but my friend had the same problem as you, When she spoke to the ghost for the first time he was being very insensitive. Demanding they go away and never come back. he found himselth doing this for about 1 week each time their appearance became more aggressive and noticeable. (loud noises, doors slamming, scratches on doors and walls and appearing outside of his house) I told him what i told you and he found out why they were there.

    It was a 10 yearold boy and a 14 year old boy. both brothers and were both held underwater in the bath untill they died, then they were buried in the garden and nobody knew about them. That happened in 1864 and when he done research on them he found out they were related to him.

    I hope this works for you.

  10. The logical answer is that ghosts are not real, but if you would prefer the make-believe answer, try a Ouija board, automatic writing or even a pendulum to ask your imagination about the origin of this ghost.

  11. Try

  12. To really answer we'll need some evidence.Since you know the time she appears.It should be easy to get a video.Why not do that and post it here.I'm sure you'll find out all you need to know.

  13. First of all you having gave enough information, the more detail you give describing the situations, experiences, perhaps I would be able to give you a better answer.

    Does she communicate, in what way?

    What does she look like? perhaps she's an spirit from a higher dimension.

    Is she kind and gentle?

  14. There isn't a ghost, you just need to see the man in the white coat!

  15. I suggest doing research on your house. Find out if there has ever been any deaths there or violence of any kind. Not just the house but the history of the property it sits on. Find out if anything historical or of significance  to a haunting has happened.

    I do not believe in using mediums and have never used any on my investigations but my reasoning is from the supposedly scientific view and mediums are unreliable. But on a personal level if you know any mediums that you think you can trust this may be the only way to find out all the information you seek, but I would use more than one to back up the claims of the other.

    Is the neighborhood old? Are there anyone Old Timers in the neighborhood that could answer somee questions about your property.

    You could call some ghost hunter in your area but be very leery of them and  do not accept any orbs as evidence. The reliable ghost hunting groups have  stopped all talk about orbs except to deny they are paranormal. Troy Taylor one of the Nation's leading ghost hunters used to say there was no final word an anything  paranormal  but has changed his mind on orbs and has the final word on them now denouncing them and telling his people not to  claim orbs are paranormal. He also is the one that claims there are no experts in this field.

    I will post his website along with one or two more you can visit.

    If you decide to have a group to investigate do not allow them if they charge. The reliable ones do not charge, and have any photos taken done so with film and not digital and be sure you get the pictures along with the negatives but offer to pay for the film  if you are going to  obtain them   even though they should never charge they also should not pay for the film and developing unless they keep them. I suggest getting the pictures and negatives so you can take any they claim is paranormal and have a professional photographer look at them.

    Ghost hunters will call themselves professional but when you pressure them you find they earn their living working at jobs just like the rest of us. That word professional is justified in their minds because people feel that if you earn even a dollar in tips or services rendered then that qualifies you to call yourself professional.

    Just my 2 cents


  16. How do you know it's a she? Is the ghost not wearing clothes? How do you know you're not dreaming when this happens in the wee hours of the morning?

    The best information I can give you is that this ghost is most likely just a recurring dream you're having.

  17. ask her.

  18. 3am is considered "dead time", when the spirit world is most active so that's probably why she's waking you at 3 am.  I would do a little research on your house and see if someone died there, etc.  In my experience, prayer works best.  I am no professional though

  19. ghosts? i think you're confusing them with your white bedsheets.

  20. See your doctor. The ghost exists only in your head - or perhaps your stomach.

  21. I have a similar "problem".

    Our house is haunted, but the ghost of a little girl whose identity I now know through calling in local mediums, was, and still is as helpful as can be.

    We are quite happy to have her here, even though she let me know how she died.

    She told me there was a well which she was pushed down.

    No records show the well, which is actually 6 feet away from where I am typing.

    She died 20th July 1870, at just 31/2 years old Charlotte Hodgson

    She is free to go, but feels happy to come back quite often.

    These folk who say out of hand that there ain't no ghosts, clearly have no experience of them.

    They do however put their non experience to poo poo anyone who knows different.

    Don't you just love em?

    By trade, I'm an analyst... not an airhead, and I laugh at all the thumbs down from those whom I write above.

  22. you need to call ghost busters

    and bust that ghost ***

  23. Hello, I am a paranormal expert, I have documented many situations like yours. Take EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) they are recordings of you or anyone asking a question basically talking to a ghost If you will. But the catch is that you cannot hear this when you are asking the question. I suggest simple questions for you,

    1. What is your name

    2. Why are you bothering me

    3. How did you die

          Just get an idea if it even is a haunting. You didn't list much information but I can assure you that this ghost will not harm  you. But if you want this ghost out, put salt in a cup and let it stand for a couple of hours the PUT IT IN THE TRASH! Do not use the salt when you are done with it! Three am is considered "dead time", when the spirit world is most active. And call local mediums.

          If you have any further comments just visit my site and post an entry on the ghost sightings page and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

                                        Best of Luck!!!!

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