
There is a girl I'm having problems with how do I settle this cat fight with her?

by Guest62904  |  earlier

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She is a freak she looks like a rat!!!




  1. You need to consider that your judgmental approach to her is causing part of the problem. When you refer to a person as a "freak" and a "rat" you are attempting to depersonalize her or make her not quite human. When we do this, then we feel entitled to discount her feelings as a human being.

    It might be helpful to consider her feelings in regard to this situation. She is a child and has feelings that she doesn't understand, the same as you. Usually people who act mean don't feel very good about themselves and so they act out defensively.

    If she says something mean to you, just tell her, "I'm sorry you feel that way," and walk away. You are old enough to do this. Another thing you might do is ask one of your teachers to mediate the dispute.

    You really need to look at your part in this and change your behavior. There is only one person you can control and that is yourself. It takes two to tango, so by examining your part in this, you will be able to manage your behavior around her.

  2. I thought this was the Special Ed section?  what does this have to do with Special Ed?

    by the way, name calling will get you nowhere

  3. It would be better if you ignore or tell her that you wont to end this problem between you two!!!!!!!!!

  4. Dont fight her..........ignore her and avoid her........if u cant solve the problem by approaching her and fing out a solution dont even bother

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