
There is a girl trying to eat me at school help!?

by  |  earlier

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Well she has short black hair and is the fat est, stubbiest thing I've ever seen, she spits on people and pretends its sesoning because she will est ya!!! and when the sun goes down samara has come and find its prey help!!!!!!!!




  1. aww she likes you!

  2. That's not right

  3. Run..

    No wait..

    give her a carrot.

  4. If she's trying to eat you, you must look or smell like food!

  5. Keep a chicken leg in your book bag. If she tries to charge you, throw it at her to distract her. Then get to the closest classroom for shelter.

  6. i think she likes u so...

    RUN FOR IT!!!!!

  7. Take a shower, maybe that will get the food smell off!Other than that, tell the Principal and call 911!

  8. Poison yourself, so that she dies when she eats you.

  9. call the cops

  10. ok get tomato sause smear it on her then pretend to eat her. If she persists tell the princable. (SHe might get counseling)

  11. Call 911

  12. Run

  13. do you smell like chicken?  

  14. Lol ur crazy!!

    Tell her ta get her fat a*s away from you!!


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