
There is a great looking movie coming out in the uk in a while and I can't remember the name of it ?

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the advert (commercial) started out with a panic scene in a hospital with people saying stuff about evacuation ?

Then there was some weird looking guy staring ahead in an empty room while a guy asked him questions for a lie detector test.

The guy asked him "Are you human?" The weird guy answered "My body is"

Then at the end the guy said "Are you aware of any impending attack on the planet earth ?" The weird guy then said something like "You had better hide/run" or something along those lines.

Then it cut to a scene of like some weird light shining through trees, with a US team of experts and army personnel standing there watching ?

Then a huge orb like thing rising out of the water with the see rising all around it ?

It looked absolutely awesome but I can't remember the name and that has been doing my head in lol

Thanks, all answers appreciated : )




  1. its called the day the earth stood still, a remake of a 1950's alien movie

    did the guy say "are you aware of an apending attack on planet earth"

    and he ignores him so he repeats it and the guy says "i suggest you let me go"

  2. I Really want to watch that movie..can't wait, it has Keanu Reeves and Jennifer Connelly

    It is called: The day the earth stood still

  3. The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) With Keanu Reeves

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