
There is a little g*y fella at my work and he keeps using the womans toilet!?

by  |  earlier

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It all goes off in there and alwayss smells! How do I go about telling the boss? Please help




  1. Maybe he's going through a change like s*x change ?  If it's a big problem, then talk to him about it, he may feel like a woman inside and wants to use it, I don't know.

    He's a guy, and he needs to use the appropriate toilets.

    I agree with Duckie above !

    You sure he's g*y ? lol - JK

  2. Simply tell your boss and on staff notice, put that the ladies toliet clearly states little girls room not little poofs room lol

  3. This little fella might be a woman who has started transitioning to be a male. So that might be the thing. You can not just assume that it is a male because in some businesses people even if they are transgendered have to use their biological bathroom till they have surgery or use one set aside for them in some rarer cases. But this is just a thought.

  4. Simple rule of thumb for switching toilets for g*y men.  Only after midnight in a g*y bar is it acceptable.  However you might be on some difficult ground, he could be transgender in which case you are SOL cause She has every right to use the girls room as you.  

    As for the smell, how does yours compare?  Seriously, its a toilet it's going to reek.  I've been in your girls rooms and EWWW... Your Nasty (as a s*x, not as a person) worse then most guys rooms.  In any event talk to the guy first, say you are not comfortable sharing your toliet (what are you an only child?) and hopefully he will move on to the guys room.  

  5. Ok well first i must say, That's really funny lmao.

    But You should just tell your boss exactly whats going on.

    Or you could tell the bloke to stop going in there. Its just wrong!

  6. Get the cleaners to hang one of those toilet bleach thingie in each bowl and get over your weird "oh noes we need gendered toilets or we might catch cooties" hangups.

  7. Just tell him man is using the women's facilities. The fact that he is g*y doesn't matter.  

  8. just tell your boss

    unless he is the little g*y fella

    then your screwed

    let him deal with the mens right to use any bathroom issue

  9. Just tell him. I can't tell you when/what/how you tell the boss.

  10. Just leave an anonymous note on the smelly g*y dude's desk telling him to stick to the gents...or else!

  11. next time he goes in grab the boss,wait outside the door and catch him in the act,sit back and enjoy  

  12. just tell him first you dont like it but if your too nervous just tell your boss.

  13. Now this is a predicament, but I believe your other two questions do give us a hint of the problems here, in question three you did admit that your v****a does smell.  Therefore, with that bit of information, this gets tricky,  if its the little g*y man using the woman's bathroom, or perhaps your confusing this with some other irregularity caused by the odor you have advised us emanates from yourself...Now your other question in your profile was  concern that you do have flatulence when your boyfriend goes down on you.  You may want the little g*y man to give you some advice here, as he may have the same problem, as you seem to have a nose for the olfactory sense. (sic) Given that the two of you may be on the same wave length per se, you may want to get together and compare scents. I do hope this was of some assistance to you, and your concerns are addressed, as this situation must be rectified quickly, or who knows what scents and odors may start to emanate from your work place given all these difficulties you are encountering.

  14. That would make him transgendered. g*y people still conform to their gender.

  15. Tell him to have the operation or butt out of there for good!

  16. im sorry, but that is just so funny! is he really g*y, or just being a typical bloke tryna get an eyeful?! thats funny man. lol

  17. Little like 3 feet tall, or little like a hobbit?

    Just tell him to knock it off!

  18. The smell notwithstanding, if he is male, (g*y or otherwise) he should be using the men's room

    Only when an employee is transsexual does that become a legitimate issue.

  19. Tell the 'little g*y fella' that he should use the little troll's restroom. So should you.  

  20. Just tell your boss, no matter if he is a g*y or not.

  21. Tell the boss what you just said. It's illegal for men to use the ladies room.  

  22. His sexuality is irrelevent. Men aren't allowed to use the women's toilets.

  23. there any possible way that maybe YOU are confused?  Maybe this is really a woman and not a "little g*y fella"?  I know before my transition, (I'm female to male) and was still using the women's restroom, I would get mistaken for a "little g*y boy" all the time.  

    Or..if she is transgendered, (male to female) she would be using the women's restroom as well.  

  24. you have to tell somebody or maybe talk to other people that notice it and then tell him together perhaps. lol what  a strange situation

  25. Why don't you talk to him before your boss?

    Tell him it bothers you and that it smells.

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