
There is a man at my work who wears the same shirt and pants everyday to work for a year? Why do you think?

by  |  earlier

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It actually took me severl months to notice. (I don't care that he does it just makes me feel sad for him.) Do you think he cannot afford anything else? Do you think he feels embarrassed? or maybe he just has several of the same outfits same color. He only works part-time and is looking for another job for income.




  1. could be a number of reasons, maybe same type clothes, or same outfit, just cleaned frequently.

  2. We had a character like this at the office for a while.  It was the same long sleeve white shirt, thin blue tie, and royal blue after day after day after....  etc.  Finally, after much speculation, one of his fellow employees put a black ink dot on the shirt behind the right shoulder.  Every day the people around him would check to see if the black ink dot was still there, and of course, it always was.

    Today, 35 years after the fact, it's anyone's guess as to weather that same long sleeved white shirt with the black dot is still being worn by this same person.  No matter...we're sure, beyond a doubt, that he always changed his underwear.  Weren't we?

  3. if you don't care, then why bother asking?  if you know enough about him that you know that he's looking for another job, then i think you have an answer.  maybe he's got a couple of similar looking outfits.  maybe try to hook him up with work?

  4. first off, i have to say that is nasty. maybe he's making a statement, or trying to get in to a world record book. who knows. ask him if you want, but try not to be mean.

    ~kisa =3

  5. Maybe he is obsessive compulsive and feels driven to it.

    Maybe he really doesn't care if his coworkers think he's weird.

    Maybe the voices are telling him to do it, then one day will tell him to stop taking his medicine and run away.

    Maybe you don't need to feel sad for him because he's totally cool with his clothes.

  6. i think ur an a*****e and should shut your ******* mouth! haha jk aaaaaa idk theres a lot of dirty people in this world he might be one if he has long hair and it looks like its wet hes definatly DIRTY

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