
There is a man who can't see and can't hear, His father Died;How u will say to him ur father Died ?

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u don't know this man for long time....just u know him for 1 day or so...for example u are a Doctore and his father died in ur how u will say to him ur father Died ?




  1. Well, there is no way unless he can understand braille.

  2. U take him to the corpse of his father, ask him to touch it. He will feel automatically u dont need to utter a word.

    That is the relationship which needs no introduction.

  3. You can contact either a blind school or a deaf and mute school and explain it to them and ask them to convey it to him. Hope this works. Good luck.

  4. A very delicate and a sad situation.

    The person concerned must be having a home and perhaps other family members residing with him.

    He must have been leading his life and must be aware of how to go about in his day to day life.

    You will have to investigate how he has led his life so far and than take their assistance. Do he know Braille. It is the best language for communication.

    If he was the only person with his late father than only the neighbours may throw some light on thier existance.

    Social organisations / Parish Priest may throw some light.

    The best source of letting him be aware is to take him to the morgue and let him feel the body of his late father - cold and lifeless may bring him to bear that his father is no more.

    Do not let him be alone for he needs comfort, genuine help and there  are organisations who will ultimately take him under their shelter.

    Almight Architect will truly bless those who will assist him and finalise his comforts.

  5. If no other relatives have been visiting the father that could communicate this information to the son, then it would be good to get an interpreter who knows both braille and sign-language.  There schools for the blind and deaf, they may have a student or teacher who could help.  He may be able to read braille or if someone signs into his hands he may  understand that.  How did he know his father was in the hospital in the first place?  He obviously has some way of communicating with the outside world.  Good luck.

  6. where did you get such man?

  7. Get someone who knows brail and get him to communicate the notice to the deaf/mute

  8. If he can't see or hear, he's probably pretty unaware that he has a father anyway.  

  9. let him feel your tears. :P

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