
There is a method of pumping carbon really deep into the ground way out in the ocean?

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does anyone know what this is called or ever heard of it? I can't remember I heard someone at Yale talk about it along with other things we could possibly do to lower carbon emissions into the air. Another interesting thing was taking carbon and somehow fusing it with Magnesium making carbonate magnesium (rock), to use for building




  1. I think you mean pumping CO2 into the ground, not Carbon.  Yes, it is called "CO2 Sequestration" and Canada just announced they are going to do it, I think the US did too.

  2. it was probably magnesium carbonate.

    however, i'm not enthused with dumping CO2 into the ocean.  there is animal life everywhere, and increasing the CO2 for them is not likely to be healthy.

    in addition, many years ago, Denver tried pumping sewage down into deep wells.  after several months, they started having earthquakes.  when they stopped, so did the earthquakes.

    seems that way too many Americans think that the solution to any problem is to put it somewhere where folks cannot see it.

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