
There is a single engine plane that keeps flying just over the top of our house, buzzing our horse and cattle?

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This has been going on for about a year. We live in a rural area-I am aware they must fly at least 500 ft above the ground. We have flight school which is were the plane is from we complained they said they would take care of it-and it stopped for a few days. Today the plane made the house shake and scared our horses so much the went through the fence-so now what should I contact the sheriff's office the FAA? any ideas? Thanks!




  1. Get a shotgun and shoot the thing down.

  2. how do planes ever land if they must be 500 feet above the ground? you guys must have better technology then here, where crop dusters fly lower then that all the time.

    closer to rick's neighborhood, I know that the folks practicing take offs and landing at Palo Alto, who circle over the bay toward Mountain View, never get higher then 500 feet, despite a busy park (with world class kite flyers!) almost immediately under them

  3. You can call (800) 255-1111 24hrs a day to report allegations of FAR violations. You'll need the tail number - which you should be able to read if he's below 500 feet, and the date, time, and direction of flight.

    If possible, take a photo. I'd also contact the flight school again and tell them that you're complaining to the FAA.


  4. If your homes were there before the air field.... you could organize the community to petition to have the air field closed down.

    If you suspect they are violating noise ordinances.... cal the police.

    If you think they are below 500 feet, call the FAA.

  5. Yes, complaint to the FAA.

  6. The FAA and only the FAA has jurisdiction over planes in the air.  Contact them.

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