
There is a small, red bump under my lower eyelid that i justs noticed today and i dont know what it is....?

by  |  earlier

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For some reason i decided to touch my eye and i felt this weird bump under my eye where i would normally put eyeliner ( i only where mascara but, i dont know how else to describe its location and ive been wearing makeup for a while now so i know its not that...) its not very noticeable and it hurts only a little when i blink but im just thinking that maybe it will just go away in the morning. I just want to know what it is and what i can do to make it go away. Eventually i am probably going to end up getting it checked out by a doctor if it gets any worse, but right now i just want an opinion.....





  1. hmm i get those sometimes...but on my lower part of my eye....its a 'sty' (idk how to spell it) itll go away after a couple days. if its still there a week later id go to the doc. its just from like rubbing ur eyes too hard or like being too rough on ur eyes,

  2. don't worry about going to the doctor. it is called a stye. i get them ALL the time. to be honest with you i really don't know what the cause is, but many people get them. nothing to worry about at all. yes, it might be frustrating because of the pain, but you need to put a HOT compress on it immediately. that is the only way to make it go away quickly. take a cloth, and put it under not warm but HOT water and hold it there for as long as you can and keep making the cloth hot. you should start to see a reduction in the redness and size in a couple of days. for some people it works over night. but put as many compresses as you can on it whenenver you can to get the fastest results.

  3. Okay, Is it on the inside of your eye??

    If so its probably a sty.

    if is on the outside of your eye its probably a zit.

  4. i get that sometimes, when my eyes are dry or just tired.

    try using some eyedrops,

    and if it still doesnt go away the next day, you should go to the doctor, like you have planned.

  5. its either a pimple or an ingrown hair.

    unless it becomes infected, you dont need medical attention

  6. Probably a pimple or a zit. Did u wash your makeup off? if not it could have clogged ur pores causing the pimple/zit

  7. Its possible that it could be a stye or a cyst. I have one  (a cyst) under my eye lid that started out extremely small and only a little painful.. then it the pain went away but it was still there.. it slowly got bigger and would hurt on and off.. its def best to go to a doctor bc if its a cyst you need to get it drained.. if its a stye, they sell stye medicine in stores such as CVS  

  8. well, im not so sure about the correct "doctor" term but if it covers your whole bottom eye lid then you will have to go to the doctor to get a medical cream.  My wife has this but i cant seem to remember the name of it though.

  9. its a sty. ( not sure of spelling). rub a gold ring has to real gold on it, it breaks it down and it should be gone in the morning, i dnt think you need to go to the doctor for it. it is caused by a minor infection but propbly your make up.

  10. I have gotten them a few times. It is called a sty. It will go away & it is nothing major. Not sure why people get them. One thing you can do if it really bothers you & you want to get rid of it. You can take a hot wash rag & put it agaist your closed eye with the sty, repeat as needed. That will usually get rid of it after a few mintues or so.  

  11. IT MAY BE A STYE or a ingrown eyelash but if it's painful go to the doctor tuesday' and get some meds for it.I have had styes and they are real painful too.

  12. this my dear is called a stye. i know this sounds really gross and crazy but this does work, put raw bacon on your eye. believe me it works. sounds stupid but with in 24 hrs it will work. DONT TOUCH it with your hands, i would use a q tip and gently use it to scratch if you must. when it starts itching  it is getting better. also buy the medicine "stye" ask a pharmistst. at night put this bacon on your eye. it will be slippery as the night falls, it actually cooks the bacon. just try it over night try it one time

    also most important DONT TOUCH IT, WASH YOUR HANDS, WHEN (using restroom, touching anything that can infect it even more. dont wear make up. it will drain it self if taken care of properly, this is very important. and it will hurt a lot but it will get better in a few days. pls try the bacon it drains the poison out.

    oh and no reason to waste money going to doc, ask a pharm first to get advice

  13. If it is right on your actual eyelid its possible that it could be a cyst. Cysts can develop on the eyes and are red bumps like that. It is possible that it's a pimple too, but if it doesn't go away like a normal pimple I would reccomend seeing a doctor or a dermatoligist.  

  14. You may have a sty.  I have had them before and they usually go away in a few days.  It will help it go away faster if you take a mildly hot washcloth and hold it against the sty.  If it doesn't go away in a week or so I would see a doctor.

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