
There is a strange lump on one of my testes...

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...the right one, in particular, kind of situated at the top. I just noticed it today, since I started feeling some peculiar and (seemingly) unprovoked pains in my groin area and started looking around down there. If I pull the skin of the s*****m tight, I can just make it out. I'd say it's roughly as big around as, like, an M & M, and nearly as thick I suppose.

Obviously, I should make an appointment to see the doctor and get this checked out, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there's anything else (other than, you know, testicular cancer) that might be causing this pain and/or this lump. If it helps, I'm a 26-year-old male.




  1. Go to your doctor immediately, it could very well be cancer

  2. Go see your doctor. You can get an ultrasound done for your s*****m. The ultrasound will show if it's a solid mass or a fluid filled sac ( a cyst).  As scary as it is will not go away on its own...please go get it checked out!!

  3. With out an exam there is no way to tell.  I would see a doctor ASAP!  It could be a cyst or cancer.  I hate to tell you the bad stuff, but it is possible.  Don't delay...Call the doctor today!

    Good Luck!

  4. It could be a cyst, or an infected hair. it depends on if it's hard or soft, if it feels like it moves around or is attached to something, but you are right obviously it would be in your best interest to see a Dr. It's a good thing though that you are checking and asking about it, many men ignore small things like this that can easily turn into something unpleasant..

  5. It can be one of several things, but you should see a doctor and have it checked.

  6. It's probably testicular cancer,

    and  i don't know why it would have a lump if it wasn't,

    make an appointment to see your doctor.  

  7. I would have thought an infected hair as another possible explanation or a cyst but I would certainly make the appt. to rule anything serious out.

    Gee, why the thumbs down? 'cause I'm a woman?

  8. I had a small lump very similar to this on one of mine a while back.. It stayed there for about a week or 10 days and kinda went away slowly on its own. Im not saying it wouldnt be good to check it out with the doctor just to be safe but i saw everyone else said that already and i wanted to let you know i went thru the same ordeal and it worked itself out fine. Hopefully its the same with you, if it doesnt go away i would get it checked but dont be too scared at this point. Good Luck.

  9. Call you doctor and tell him, I got a lump in my teses.  He should bring you in right away.

  10. It could be a cyst, aswell as a tumor.


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