
There is a strange noise at home,?

by  |  earlier

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it is like a high frequency noise, penetrating if you pay attention to it, it hasn´t stop in two days and I can´t find the cause of it. Will you help me?




  1. it could be literally anything!!!!!!! maybe its a burst pipe of some sort (just guessing) and u if thats right then u should search for it and get it fixed, hope that helped

  2. Um, what do you want us to do? Come over to your house?

  3. Dude, there's a starship hovering above ur house with a cloaking device on. Happened to me twice last wek and no I won't help you. I had to figure it out so u should do the same.

  4. It could just be in your head.  Or more accurately, in your ear.  It could be tinnitus.  The best way to deal with it is to put on some background music, not very loud, and you shouldn't be bothered by it, and it'll more than likely stop bothering you in under a week.

    If it's only happening in your home, you'd have to try unplugging anything electronic.

  5. Could be the power lines outside, could be flourecent lights. could be alien transmitters inside your head honing in on what your doing, waiting to come and get you.. oooha ha ahh!

  6. i have those all the time. Its called 'Psychotic Hallucination'

  7. Sounds like electricity to me. Do you have anything plugged in to 240v instead of 120v? Maybe there's a short somewhere.

  8. Fluoro Energy saving lights make that time you hear it, turn off the light closest to u & see if thats it.....Some mobiles make that noise too when they are charging...mine does anyhow!! So annoying!!

  9. check your smoke detectors.

  10. Your ears are ringing. This happens to be sometimes when the TV is on, sometimes around our old stereo downstairs. I'm sure there's a name for it if you google "ringing ears"

  11. haha..em  maybe check every electronic device around I guess

  12. Without being able to hear it, I couldn't tell you.

    I would guess the best place to start would be by turning off different appliances, lights, and such.  Turn them off one at a time, and listen for it to stop.  If not, turn it back on and move to the next.  You might make it quicker on yourself if you turn them off at the breaker box.   It could be a flourescent light, an appliance, AC fan, etc.

  13. Well, we aren't there. Can you ask someone else in the house if they hear it? As long as it's not a fire alarm or any other alarm you should be okay. Sometimes your hearing just gets messed up or really sensitive. You'll figure it out and find it, don't obsess over it.

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