
There is a street in hamburg germany called...gartenstrausse (or something like that) anyone know it?

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There is a street in hamburg germany called...gartenstrausse (or something like that) anyone know it?




  1. As far as I know, there is no Gartenstraße (which would be the correct spelling for 'gartenstrausse'.) Even if you separate the two words which is another way for a lot of German street name spellings, this street does not exist in Hamburg city limits. Some of the surrounding towns have a street by that name but not Hamburg proper. Just want to let you know that Gartenstraße is the equivalent of 'Garden Street'.

  2. You might want to try looking it up on a map website. Or you could try looking it up on a search engine.

  3. Yes, I lived there. Good homebrew!

  4. Yes there is. It is called Gartenstraße, written in German. That is just a funny looking ss.


    put this into the top and it will take you to what u need

  6. It is Gartenstrasse, means Garden avenue


    Check this;j...

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