
There is a theory that humans have been around for millions of years before we arrived...?

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Theory is this. Humans (smart humans - smarter than us) lived here millions of years ago. They died somehow - suddenly - just like the dinosaurs. Then evolution took its toll and life as we know it started, from reptiles, dinosaurs, mammals, apes, man. (Man being around for 100,000 years(?)) Do others believe this.




  1. Not a theory. Primates orignated 50mya. Environmentally, mammals could only thrive exist after 100 mya.

  2. Pure science fiction.

  3. There is no evidence for any intelligent life on Earth other then humans.  There is no evidence for modern humans before about 170,000 years ago.


  4. Where are the aluminum pop cans?

    That's a serious question. An advance race would have had a major impact on the earth and left traces behind. Consider our own mining operations and the refuse that our civilization produces.

    You mention the dinosaurs. We find plenty of their remains. Where then are the traces of this race and civilization?

    James P. Hogan has written several books on this theme.He has to make some convoluted plot twists to make the "science" work. Then there's the Julian May fantasy series where the civilization is at the bottom of the dry Mediterranean Sea.

    Others have theories of Atlantis, and Lemuria. Conveniently

    the places sink into the ocean removing all traces. Antarctica is also popular. Somehow the earth's crust slips and the civilization disappears under the ice.

    To make this idea work, the civilization has to be very limited in it's territory; really have no exploitation of the planets resources and  must die in a manner that leaves no trace of the civilization or how it dies.

  5. I don't have references at hand, so I can't back up what I am saying at the moment, but yes there is actually a lot of evedence to support this.

    One of the refences I can dig out later refers to a pre-flood civilisation who were wiped out by seven comets that hit the earth, 4 of them landing in the sea causing the global flood.

    If you want to hear more or share your theory with me you can email me !

  6. No, this may be an idea, or even a hypothesis, but a theory is something supported by all available scientific knowledge & has been subjected to critical review & testing.  Because I know of no supporting evidence, this would be an idea.  If some validated evidence suggesting this were true existed, then it could become a hypothesis.

  7. There is plenty of evidence for the theory that humans have been walking the planet for tens of millions of years. However,  I have never heard of them dying out ( extinction ) and beginning all over again, that would be a first in anyone's book.

  8. I could believe that, after all it has been rumoured that there is intelligent life here on earth, and that's no more difficult to believe!

  9. Anything is possible

  10. Well, theoretically speaking, it's possible that life on earth evolved a few billion years ago, including intelligent life, and then was totally wiped out, and all evidence of their existence destroyed, and then new intelligent life [us] arose. This is more a science fiction concept than anything that likely actually happened, though. Since there's no evidence either way, it just makes an engaging story, and indeed, a science fiction writer did create a story with this premise. But I would say that there is considerable indirect evidence that it's not true. For example, had intelligent life been around, it would have been likely to see some evidence of their existence, even in just that they mined all the metals that are close to the surface. But they didn't, so the metals were there for us to use.

  11. if these humans were so smart then how were they wiped out? What couldn't these super humans fight against?

  12. NO

  13. No. Why are the apes still around then? If humans have been around for a longer time than a few thousand years, why is the population of the earth not in the hundreds of billions or even trillions?

  14. First of all...look up the definition of the term..."theory"!

    Your postulation is NOT a theory; it has been around for many years and was no more valid when it was popular than it is now.

    It was born, if I remember, from the fantasies surrounding the then "new", atomic age, ;let's say, the late 30's through the fifties.

    The idea was that we killed ourselves off and human life had to...restart, so to speak. This apparently happened several times.

    It was a neat idea but certainly not a valid one.

  15. What's a "human" here really?

    You seem to differentiate between man and human,

    that's confusing in this context.

    You also differentiate mammals, apes and man.

    That's also confusing.

    Humans are mammals, as are apes.

    100.000yrs is only as far back as we can see signs of material culture in artifacts and such. Humans are far older then that.

    Evolution isn't "bang - humans".

    Evolution is a process.

    There's no way of doing a proper categorization

    between Homo Sapiens and other Homos and Sapiens :P

    Only people who believe theories like these are Scientologists.

    Anthropologists don't.

  16. they may of been around when the first universe was here ,but they have long since disappeard down a black hole

  17. Yes Australopithecus walked the planet 3.5 million years ago.

    Iv'e been watching you aliens for quiet some time.

  18. There is that theory, shored up by apparent OOParts (out of place artifacts) like jewellery found inside coal.

    "The Kensington Runestone purported to be a 14th century Viking artifact found in North America.

    The Piri Reis map made by the Turkish admiral Piri Reis from a diverse range of sources; it supposedly contains an accurate map of Antarctica.

    Tecaxic-Calixtlahuaca head - terracotta head found in Mexico that some say is of Roman origin.

    The Fuente Magna, discovered in Bolivia. Ceramic bowl with writing in alleged Sumerian cuneiform.

    The Gympie Pyramid in Queensland, Australia - said by some to be evidence that the Inca were in Australia before the Europeans.

    The Saqqara Bird in Egypt, discovered in a tomb, claimed to be a 7-inch model of a flying machine.

    The Baghdad Battery, dating from between 250 BC and 250 AD.

    The Baigong Pipes, unexplained pipes found in a cave in China.

    The Coso artifact, a lump of clay containing a spark plug from the 1920s.

    The Crystal skulls claimed to have been found at Lubaantun, in Yucatan and in Belize.

    The Dorchester Pot, Massachusetts, United States.

    The Dendera Lamps, engraved into a relief in a temple dedicated to Hathor, Egyptian Goddess of the Milky Way.

    The dropa stones, also known as the Bayan Kara Ula Disks; supposedly found near Nimu in the Chinese region of Sichuan, and claimed to be 12,000 years old.

    The Iron Man (Eiserne Mann), dating to the 13th century.

    The Lake Winnipesaukee mystery stone

    The Wolfsegg Iron, a cubical block of metal in coal found in Austria.

    The Stone Balls of Costa Rica - A collection of over three hundred Petrospheres in the Diquis Delta and on Isla del Caño of Costa Rica.

    [edit] Artifacts alleged to predate humanity

    The Acambaro figures, from Acámbaro, Mexico, some of which are in the apparent form of dinosaurs.

    The Ica stones, Peru, allegedly depicting anachronistic images such as dinosaurs and modern medical procedures.

    The Kingoodie hammer, Scotland, dated from 460 to 360 million years ago.

    The Klerksdorp Spheres, South Africa, dated 2.8 billion years ago - their regular shapes lead to claims that they were artificially created.

    The mortar and pestle (or molcajete) set discovered in Table Mountain (near Jamestown, California), in a gravel deposit which a documentary version of Forbidden Archaeology claimed to be 55 million years old; this claim has since been discredited.

    Validated cases

    The Maine Penny found in Blue Hill, Maine. An 11th century Norse coin found in an American Indian shell midden. Over 20,000 objects were found over a 15-year period at the Goddard site in Blue Hill. The sole OOPArt was the coin.[3][4] One hypothesis is that it may have been brought to the site from a Viking settlement in Newfoundland, not by Norsemen but by seagoing Indians.

    The Iron pillar in India, dating around to AD 423.

    The Antikythera mechanism, a geared device manufactured ca. 100 BCE, believed to be a device for predicting the motion of the sun, moon and planets i.e. an orrery.

    Tablets and artifacts discovered in Glozel, France in the 1920s and '30s, some of which were inscribed with an unknown, undeciphered alphabet.(Stone age date on these)."

    Millions of years is unlikely. That some small reasonably high tech civillisations have come and gone isn't impossible. The Romans had a very high level of technology, the Western world only surpassed them once we developed electricity and radio. Our medicine didn't catch up until the twentieth century.

    Edit. I'd just like to add that there are cave paintings in India about 300k old, and shell beads from Libya 200k old. Modern humans probably date to more like 250k old, not 100k.

  19. Humanoid evolution is quite well understood, as is the archaeology of civilisation. The crack pot theories you refer to belong not so much to the fringe of science as to the frayed edge!

  20. What is intereting is that recently dicsovered scientific facts of quantum physics match ancient Buddhist belief systems that go back about 5000 years.  Here's a link that explains the quantum physics of ancient buddhism.

    The big question is where did we get this type of information from 5000 years ago.  It does suggest that we once knew and understood more than we do know and are only just re discovering some of these ancient fact.  An advanced ancient civilization would explain the may things that have been found around the world and how and ancient belief system just happens to parralled our most recent discovery's in quantum physics.

  21. It sounds like 'Deja Vu', all over again!

  22. the old Atlantis theory

  23. Well in the bible it does say that 'sons of God' mixed with daughters of man, so it's like they were two different species. (different bibles word it differently though)

    Well it would explain about the 'holy spirit' as the daughters of men wouldn't have had this, but of course the sons of God would.

    How amazingly wonderful, so apparently the species mingled and now we have to choose who we are with.  If we open ourselves to God, baptism allows the holy spirit to start working inside us, that is why we are required to keep ourselves as clean and as healthy as possible, or the spirit won't be able to grow!

    I just read some of yr answers & the one that details all sorts of unusual things is great.

    The answer as to why - to me is.........

    Time is not how you have been taught to believe it is, the way you believe in time doesn't add up to what is really going on On this Earth.  Quantum physics & mechanics are important in these cases, as they have fantastic answers

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