
There is a tornado warning where I live, should I be scared?

by  |  earlier

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I live in an apt. complex. There is no basement. Just a closet in the middle of the apt. that I could go hide in.




  1. Uhh...yeah! If it was me i'd get out of there as fast as i could!!!!!

  2. A warning tells you a tornado has been sighted.  You need to seek shelter NOW.  Go in the basement, away from windows.  If you don't have a basement, go into your bathroom ... but stay away from the windows!

  3. Don't worry too much about it. The chance of a tornado hitting your house are pretty slim. I've lived through millions of tornado warnings and im still alive. Just make sure youre prepared and when they say your specific area has a tornado that is actually formed, get into a room with no or litttle windows and do what you should do to protect yourself from the tornado

  4. yes, take cover

  5. tornadoes have a low chance of hitting you, dont be scared, and it is probably miles away and couldnt knock over a dog if it went by him, that is the way it usually is

  6. yes!!

    head to the basement!!

  7. Do whatever Dorothy did in the wizard of OZ and pray to go to a magic lands of munchkins and yellow brick roads.

  8. Being scared is the last thing you should do.  You should always remain calm.  Plus tornados are mostly concentrated on a small area, so the odds of your place getting hit directly is very slim.  Just make sure you are taking the proper precautions:  seek shelter in the lowest and center-most area of the house (a bathtub or a hallway is good).  Protect yourself with blankets and keep a weather radio nearby for updates if the power has gone out.  Be safe!

  9. Just find a safe place to go like a basement or the center-most room in your house (if you don't have a basement). Don't bother closing your windows/opening your windows like the old wives' tales say to do - it's been suggested more recently that opening or closing your windows doesn't help during a tornado at all. Be safe!

  10. Just take the pro cation they say for safety,just take pro cations and not get scared.Wish you best of look and for all the people in your area.

  11. uhh yeah. basement.

    tornado warning means someone actually saw a tornado.

    goooo downstairsss now.

  12. l would be scared to. where l live we don`t get tornados. we did a week ago or so were under tornado watch but we never got lt. the clouds were moving to fast and the storm we did get didn`t even last long. this is why l really hate the summer season. l would rather see snow then to hear a thunderstorm

  13. let me guess. u live in central ohio??

    cuz i do and in franklin county we are having a tornado warning.

  14. no, just prepared.

  15. Cautious, yes.



  16. You fool, this is the best time to go for a swim outside. I recommend you drive to the area

  17. A Tornado Watch means that conditions are right for a tornado.

    A Tornado Warning means that one has happened in your area.

    That means to go to the basement, in a corner, under a bed or mattress with a battery-powered radio and a flashlight.

  18. always, its a tornado duh, lol. TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER, THE TORNADO WANT TO EAT YOU AND IT!!!

  19. Well, if it is a watch, U R fine.  That means that there MITE be a tornado.  But if it is a tornado warning, that means that there is a tornado. If there was a tornado, go a basment or go 2 a wall & put UR hads over UR head & stick UR butt up in the air.  (don't ask) that is the way I leard it.  If U live with UR parets, start freaking out when they freak out.  Sorry If i did not help.


    EDIT:  Sorry, when I just got done making my answer, i saw the detales.  The closet is the best place 2 hide.  Because it has no windows.  & it is in the middle of the appt.  O, & if UR bathroom has no windows, (it does not have 2 be in the middle) u can hide in the bath tub.

  20. go to

  21. Yes, tornados could be harmful. Get to a safe place and prepare for a touch-down.

  22. You're gonna die if you don't get off the internet right now.

  23. your going to have thunder stoms this whole week so just keep cover k and if you hear any thing like a tornado dont freek out dont go near the windows stay away from those go some were in your apartmen on the bottom floor not the top down stairs if your on what ever floor make sure its a lady not a man some one you know on the first floor do that now especaly that thers a worning

  24. No, there's no need to be scared just like there's no need to panic. Neither one accomplishes anything. But you DO need to be aware and make sure you have a safe place to go.

    Do you understand the difference between a "warning" and a "watch?" A warning means they have seen an actual tornado. A watch means the conditions are right for one to develop, but it hasn't actually happened yet. A warning is much more serious, so be prepared to do something to protect yourself.

  25. A tornado warning means that a tornado has been sighted in your area. Probably your county. If you hear tornado sirens take shelter immediately and if you can take a radio with you so you can get updates on the tornados' location.

  26. be aware and cautious

    and be ready for an emergency

    but don't panic!

  27. We've got one too. It's creepy with the sirens groaning and the wind blowing. I don't have a basement, so I hope the cats and I are OK - add you too!

    Stay away from your windows and go to the basement or bathroom.

    Don't be scared, just cautious.

    Take care!

  28. hide somewhere...preferably no windows.

    it depends on the intensity. If they're saying F4 then YES

    just prepare yourself

  29. is so much more interesting there huh???.....tornadoess.....floods...quake...

    ...its so quiet here for the past 40 years.....YAWNNNNN.....

  30. No you should not be scared. Fear is not of God. You should Keep a cool head. And do what you have been taught to do in case of a tornado warning.

  31. obviously your not scared or you wouldn't be online

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