
There is a village in Austria named F**cking. Only it has uc instead of those little stars. Does anyone know

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what that word means in German? And why it was considered a good name for a village? Apparently the most serious crime they suffer is tourists stealing their sign.




  1. The village is known to have existed as "*******" since at least 1070 and is named after a man from the 6th century called Focko. "-ing" is an old Germanic suffix indicating the people of the root word to which it is attached; thus ******* means "(place of) Focko’s people." The village has a population of 93.

    *******'s most famous feature is a traffic sign with its name on it, beside which tourists often stop to have their photograph taken. It is a commonly stolen street sign. Significant public funds have been spent on replacing the stolen signs.[citation needed]

    In 2004, mainly due to the stolen signs, a vote was held on changing the village's name, but the residents voted against doing so. In August 2005, the road signs were replaced with theft-resistant signs welded to steel and secured in concrete to prevent further chances of the sign being stolen.

  2. Don't forget that a word in another language that looks like a word in your language most likely does not have the same meaning. It was considered a good name for a village because it was named, as many are, for its earliest settlers.

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