
There is a wasp nest outside my window...should I knock it down??

by  |  earlier

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It would fall onto the patio below...

During the day when I noticed it, I did not see any wasp around or are they deep inside waiting to attack me?

I want to knock it down, will the wasp swarm out?? To leave the house I would have to go past the nest. What should I do? Or just leave it?? The house is up for sale and I am worried the buyers house inspector will see it.




  1. Buy wasp spray about 2.-4.00 spray it, it will usually squirt 25 feet away, then wait and knock the nest down the next day.

  2. what would that have to do with the house inspector? I have wasp nests all over my property and have never been attacked I doubt a wasp nest would discourage someone from buying the home. I'd leave them alone unless they are hurting something.

  3. spray the nest at night while the wasps are sleeping( safer for you) and knock it down the next morning.

  4. knocking it down would cause any in there to attack, i suggest you either call an exterminator, or they make this spray stuff that will kill them

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