
There is a woman at my workplace?

by Guest64807  |  earlier

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who isn't liked by any of the other women in our office, and they see me chatting with her, so now they've started being unfriendly to me too. What should I do? I'm a guy. I just talk to her because I feel sorry for her.




  1. Who cares what anoyone else thinks...The people making fun are the people you should aviod. Id'e keep talking to her.

  2. Why don't they like her?  They probably don't have a reason.  If you get along with her, you should talk to her.  They're being childish.

  3. Uhh.. you tell the other women to grow up, and you yourself grow up and stop worrying about what other people think...

    I mean come on... is this highschool? seriously? No? Okay then..

    time to get past all of that.

  4. just  chat

  5. women can be so mean............if you want to talk to her and be her friend the go ahead...........dont hurt her feelings

  6. well, if shes nice, shes probably the most real person in your office....

    what dont they like about her

  7. You should talk to whomever you want to talk to and let those bitchy hens act like immature cows. They obviously aren't behaving like mature adults to 1) mistreat any one in the workplace, and 2) to mistreat YOU just because you're "guilty by association" about middle school bullshit.

  8. don't take sides

    don't let them make you

    take sides

    talk to everyone

    be proactive

    about promoting a productive workplace

    read up on it :

  9. Be yourself, talk to who you want to talk to. The people who won't talk to you if you talk to her are probably not worth your time.

  10. keep doing what your doing. They will get bored on move on to someone else real quick, I know.

    God bless

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