
There is any way to decrease my power or to stop increasing of my eye powers ? help me please?

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i have eye power of -2.25 before one year but right now i have eye power of -2.5 .i am getting worse with eyes. there is anyway to stop my increasing of eyes powers . then , anyway to decrease my eye power please help me




  1. current studies (and this is debated) that PROBABLY the only way we have right now to slow myopia progression is orthokeratology:

  2. mıne gets worse every year to my uncle tells me that ı should sometımes stay wıthout contacts or glasses ıt wont make ıt better or worse but he saıd ıt wıll keep ıt from gettıng worse ıt wıll stay the same

  3. When you ask an eye doctor if your vision can improve they will usually tell you that it can only stay the same or get worse and that around 40 everybody gets blurry vision up close. They will even say that eye exercises don't work. They are part right, eye exercises don't work.

    When people get blurry vision they learn some incorrect vision habits like staring, diffusion, straining, and squinting. These incorrect vision habits squeeze our eyes out of shape and give us blurry vision. When we get artificial corrections(glasses, contacts, surgery) we don't change the way we use our eyes so the blur tends to get worse.

    Most people intuitively know that their vision changes and that sometimes it is a little better. What if we learned what made our vision worse and stopped doing those things? What if we learned what made our vision better and started doing those things. We can unlearn the incorrect vision habits, reintegrate the correct vision behaviors, and undo the damage of blur and artificial corrections.

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