
There is controversy still, do we humans cause global warming or is it a natural process?

by Guest66500  |  earlier

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If we cut back drastically on the human contribution of bad things to the environment, could this trigger a colder environment or even another ice age?




  1. not likely.

  2. andrea s. i believe we all have a responsibility to leave this planet as good as we came to it! now i don't know about another ice age, but why not just do our part for future generations.. it really doesn't take much effort, so why not err on the side of caution? BTW. i am from really northern Michigan, and i love Canada and it's people! always have to mention that when talking to a Canadian!

  3. * The origins of the modern liberal environmental movement in the campaign to ban DDT -- that led to the resurgence of malaria in the poorest countries, with devastatingly fatal consequences

    * The government-dictated preference for corn-based ethanol and other biofuels is causing massive land overuse, soaring food prices, and increased hunger in the poorest places

    * A single SUV tank of ethanol-based gasoline burns enough food to feed a starving African for a year

    * Hormones from contraceptive and "morning after" pills are literally being flushed into rivers and causing bizarre sexual malformations in fish -- and why, for once, there has been no outcry from liberals

    * Yellowstone in flames: Liberal-inspired management programs in the Forest Service and the National Parks have led to major wildfires — including a near—catastrophic one in the nation's crown jewel, Yellowstone Park

    * Getting the Green: the environmental movement is funded by industries that reap enormous profits from environmental laws and regulations

    * Censorship, manufactured outrage, and even phony "science" are being used to cut short the debate over global warming

  4. That is what the scientists should be figuring out.  They should not jump to conclusions because of 1 or 2 correlations.  For every correlation of man causing global warming, there is a correlation of it being a natural process.  When there is conclusive evidence, then I will support action to fight global warming.  For all of you stating there is conclusive evidence, study the subject some more and keep an open mind.  If you study with a biased opinion, you are only going to find that opinion in your studies.  Don't believe the Yahoo Answers hype of the 3 people who answer every single question, they are biased and following blindly.  Nothing has been proven yet, except that the planet warmed by 0.6 degrees after a small ice age.  Seems pretty normal that it should warm after being cold, kind of like the seasons.

  5. it's both. but people help speed up the flobal warming process. if we cut back, it would help save more time for scientists to figure out more ways to help and preserve our planet. no, i think it would trigger another ice age. balance is the key. actually, as far as i know, if global warming would worsten it could trigger another ice age because both polar caps could melt and could cause to a drastic change in climate. which is somewhat what is happening today.

  6. it is surely manmade


  8. there is a contributoin of both in this. it was only a natural process before, but now the humans sre also taking a lot part in it. the sun heats the atmosphere and that is the part of global warming caused by the nature. but the humans are also increasing this global warming. we are using polluting vehicles, cutting down trees and using TVs and computers. the amount of Co2 is increasing in the air just because of these processes.

  9. Global warming is a "natural" occuring process. Although the word natural is a philosophical question of itself (as in, what is natural?).

    Anthropogenic factors are an additive to the natural process of global warming, and unsustainable anthropogenic factors have been identified to increase greenhouse gases and depleting of the ozone layer. However uncertainties occur as to how much of an increase is this contribution (is it normal?). Therefore, Global warming, a natural occuring process, is further induced by anthropogenice factors, such as unsustainable burning of fossil fuels with the release of carbon dioxide.

    It was suggested that based on models of past global climate trends, we should have been entering an Ice age and that the dramatic increase in the 20th century of carbon emissions has actually increased the effect of global warming. However this is also disputed since models carry uncertainties.

    Humans will always have an impact on the atmospheric system of the globe, regardless if its "bad" or "good". Science is constantly changing, models will ALWAYS carry uncertainties, but what is important is to analyse this scientific research and make thought out decisions. Trends from models identifies a probability, but it might be, for example, 70% chance that it is correct or that it isn't. Even so, it shouldn't be ignored.

    If indeed we were to stop all the "bad" things, all this would mean would be that our anthropogenic influence on global climate would be different, however this does not mean that the earth would not be capable of warming itself.

  10. No if you cut consumption, temperatures will probably rise like they did in the 70s following many conservation measures that were implemented.  When production was high, temperatures were cooler.  This is because of the increased aerosols that were in the air that blocked the sun's heat.

  11. A little bit of both.  We accellerate Global warming with the ways in which we impact the environment.  From development, fossil fuels, waste, ignorance, etc.  The truth is that the world has never been the same from one day to the next.  The world is always changing.  Remember learning about Pangea, ice ages, etc.  The Pacific ocean is a dying ocean and the Atlantic Ocean is growing.  We impact what is natuarally occuring.  We just need to adapt to survive.

  12. I believe Global Warming is a bit of both.

    I believe Global Warming is a natural process, but humans are speeding up this process more quickly. This puts everything out of balance.

    Humans are increasing the amount of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) emissions by burning fossil fuels. The demand for fossil fuels is higher than ever, and with more demand comes more energy used to extract the fuel and more energy used in the transport and then it is burned resulting in higher CO2 emission levels.

  13. seems there is a lot of greed involed with what we have concerns do have to be met.

  14. well in the global warming thoery it should fluctuate and then return to normal eventually but casue im a skeptic i think removing all human contributions would decrease population dramatically which would be the wanted results from un named people

  15. It's a natural process of the planet we live on. Also, has our planet ever had a static climate? No, it's constantly changing due to many factors. Some of these factors we know about such as El Nino and El Nina factors and the cycles of sun spots and flares. But we don't know all the things that make our global climate change from year to year, someday we might know most of these triggers, but not yet, since climantology is still a realatively new scientific field.

    Edit: Great point Mike: "Nothing has been proven yet, except that the planet warmed by 0.6 degrees after a small ice age. Seems pretty normal that it should warm after being cold, kind of like the seasons."

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